To go along with the crowd, the human brain is capable of...ambulant hibernation.

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To go along with the crowd, the human brain is capable of...ambulant hibernation.

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None of this nonsense is believed by the Illuminist death cult members that promote it. There never was a Covid-19 virus and not one person worldwide has died from this fraudulent "disease". It's the vaccinations that have caused the deaths along with Remdesivir and Midazolam administered in sealed Covid-19 wards where personal and staff MDs are excluded. Nurses in those wards are paid $12,000. a week in hush money and the hospitals get over $100,000. per Covid death. Ventilators are deliberately mis-adjusted to also cause death. The Illuminati has been causing all the major wars and plagues throughout history. It has been 6,000 years that humanity has suffered under this cult. All of the world's leaders are members of this cult.

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see Pandemic Post Mortem and The Vaccines: Why They Don't Work--and what does

at revolutionaryroad.net

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It was laughable then and even hilarious now. The pain caused to my brain is unforgettable as my common sense was assailed by non-sensical logic. 2+2 will never make 5.... that is, unless it becomes "popular" to accept the lie? Shudder to think this is now a possibility!

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And this my friends is the liberal thought process. A world of Chicken Littles running amok trying to tell us they have the science, and they won't let you have any because they are the only ones that can operate it.

Hope you all love the sky high rates you are paying for now(cause covid can't survive high prices...lol)

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I'd say my favorite still has to be some of the rules around sex. Weddings were forbidden but orgy partners were simply recommended to limit the size of gatherings...

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Great observations, James. Your problem is that you are letting logic cloud official covidiot rhetoric. How can the truth get out when those in power keep squashing and suppressing it? How can we make them accountable?

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When politicians try to be doctors we don't know if they are just ignorant or lying to us as they normally do.

These rules were so crazy I think they were just testing to see if you were under their spell or not.

Most were and they were the problem. If we had all been awake and just said, "No, that is ridiculous" then we would have defeated them and they would have given up, but too many did not think and just obeyed and that gave them the power to use thugs dressed as police to kick the rest of us while others held us down.

You know who you are. You look back now and think, "why did I ever go along with these crazy rules!"

You did and you are to blame for our suffering.

Don't ever do it again or we will come for you!

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I admire your ability to get into the mind of the virus so well, seeing as it has no set plan. It just wobbles around.

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absolute genius ......

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A welcome end of business week laugh! But on second thoughts, so very sad too!

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The article u just did with the endless science that never made any sense just outlines that it was never about science it was about control. Sheer stupidity that even a two year could see no logic, rhyme or reason behind it but control of masses and implementation of the NWO. Now they are ushering the climate change “Net Zero policies” whilst the real mass polluters are celebrated

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This was laugh out loud funny! But then also sad. When did people stop using their brains?

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I was working up north 40 plus degrees physical hard work we all had to wear a masks.

Hot, humid and sweaty. Safety glasses would fog up which is dangerous in itself especially clumbering over these machines at height.

You would get headaches from the masks.

I soon got an exemption and would be forever arguing with all these covid idiots.

But if I was on a treadmill doing exercise I didn’t have to wear a mask.

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Classic vintage James Macpherson! James, you articulated the utter stupidity perfectly.

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