I read the whole article and am convince Bandt is too drugged out for simple maths. I have, at times, lived with just electricity, a combination of gas and electricity, and off the grid relying on diesel, petrol, and/or gas generators.

Between grid electricity and grid electricity/gas combined, the latter was always cheaper. Gas is a cheaper form of heating, for stoves & homes, by far. Bandt's brain is totally fried if he thinks getting rid of gas is going to save anyone one razor. Far from his claimed $1900 saving, with the way electricity is going it will probably increase costs by that much or more.

The absurdity of attempting to control price while killing supply is suicidal for industry in this country - not to mention the battlers who will be told to blame the evil and greedy fossil fuel companies.

The combined Labor, Green, & Teal combination know less about economics and economic reality than the average 5 year old. Hopefully Australians will learn after one term and boot them to the kerb.

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The THREE STOOGES BRANDT, BOWEN & ALBO are heading us to 'Commo' rule!!!

Brandt giving conditional support for scheme. Demanding, we , the subjects under their rule, change our households to ALL ELECTRIC appliances!! Drive electric cars!! THESE Mentally unhinged POWER

HUNGRY MORONS need to be stopped in their tracks, our once GREAT COUNTRY being destroyed!! Enough is ENOUGH!!

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

All I see is the destruction of a country from within

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

So James, I just read the whole article on my Speccie. I live in a rural area and we use bottle gas because when storms cause blackouts we are usually on the end of the list for repairs (townies are always first}. We end up with no water (so no showers or flushing toilets), no lights and no cooking except for my gas cooktop. In winter we luckily have the fire for warmth. We manage because we are used to it and are resourceful people. I do wonder how on earth the less resourceful are going to manage particularly those who live in apartments and cant light a fire to keep warm and cook a meal for their kids. This whole net zero is going to come back and bite Labor and it's green comrades on the bum. I just hope that we don't lose to many citizens to house fires in the meantime. They are all citycentric, delusional, self righteous communist a...hoos. I have no respect for those people.

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Can we call 'em BABs to save on energy? A recent Dutch doco featured a Romanian delegate to the EU who grew up under Cecescu's regime [spelling?] He pointed to his countries ample energy resources [Hitler was keen to invade] well, the Marxists succeeded in trashing energy under state control, citizens given "privilages" for towing the party line and the rest had NO human rights. Sound [Covid] familiar? BABs and company maybe dumb, but they are certainly committed to treason. Two certainties in life - Taxes and Death. Maybe commital in a world gone mad is preferable to "internment" for dissidents or just surviving under two more years of tryanny under the Red/Green Banner!

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

What am I going to cook my dinner on when the blackouts start?

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

The incompetence leaves me speechless! Thanks James for speaking for us.

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Albanese, Bowen and Brandt are like a script from The Three Stooges- (Moe, Larry and Curly, without the slapstick)- and about as funny as poking a finger in someone’s eye.

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

It's all good mate, you can eat the insects raw ....

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

I’m not the sharpest pencil in the box, but it amazes me that these morons are running a country….. So get everyone off cheaper gas to electricity. Then they only have to control one energy source and prices and what people use. If you do not comply then off goes your power until you do. Their plans are right on target I would say….

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You know I saw an article bill gates invested 40 million into Queensland for automatic polling booths, so going from that these elections are rigged. Who in their right mind would vote for Dan Andrews after the most draconian measures in the world.

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