Well this article has aged well. Your hate of the magpies, the current premiers, renders you blind to reality. The aboriginal people of this country overwhelmingly voted for the Voice. You and others have denied them this simple, harmless request. Pathetic and disgusting. I hope the magpies make you squirm for years to come. The Collingwood Football Club is embracing its social responsibility, good on them.

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Oh, I just noticed you are a Sky employee. I should have checked first. I would not have wasted my time.

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They should stick to playing football and just stay out of this debate.

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Are we surprised? Did we not learn from the so called sporting experts and clubs during the pandemic that they are the govts little bidders

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As Nyunggai Warren Mundine says, the referendum is a Trojan horse. I agree, but at least when the Trojan horse got into Troy, the Trojans could see it was full of Greeks. If this referendum passes we will have no idea what will be inside it and its ramifications because even the government and its lawyers don't know or can't say. I have no problem with the first bit- the recognition of the First People - its a no brainer, but the subterfuge is hooking the "voice" in with this recognition. We should demand the referendum question be split in two with the ability to say yes to one and no to the other. Old greasy elbow thinks he's too clever by half by using this subterfuge. As is happening now, if you say "No" you're racist, not necessarily because you oppose the "voice" but because you also oppose recognition of the First Peoples. This is why I will say No, not because I oppose recognition - I oppose a special class of citizen having any more than an equal say in the running of the country purely on account of their race.Its the very definition of apartheid and racism. If this makes me a racist, under the woke definition, guilty as charged.

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They have the biggest problem with racist supporters and they can't do anything to change them.

This is why the board wants to virtue signal so the woke mob won't come after the club any more about its supporters.

If they want to support something then they each have their own vote, but the reason they are telling us what they think is so they can also influence others. Who do they think they are?

90% of Collingwood fans are going to vote against it because it is a racist law.

I am sick of these sporting clubs telling us we are all misogynists, racists, anti-Semites, drug addicts, pedophiles, thieves and murderers and preaching to us as if they have no sin.

I used to watch lots of people running around on grass with bits of leather, but now I could not tell you who is even in the competition any more. I can bang my head against the wall if I need to feel bad about myself, I don't need them to do it for me.

Go woke, go broke. They are not getting my money any more and neither are any of the other sports.

I hope one day they will play as amateurs because they enjoy it, not for money and never accuse anyone of crimes apart from the referee / umpire.

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"I am sick of these sporting clubs telling us we are all misogynists, racists, anti-Semites, drug addicts, pedophiles, thieves and murderers and preaching to us as if they have no sin."

Absolutely! Me too! I am so, so sick of this too! And you know what is also so despicable about this? The fact that they have everything they have (power, wealth and influence) at the expense of all those hard-working men and women who gave of themselves to bring about and sustain the prosperity we see in our Western civilisation!

Why do fools like this continue to bite the hand that feeds them???!!!

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It’s all very disturbing James. When God goes out the window and absolutes disappear, everyone feels the need to tell us how ‘good’ they are.

My husband’s workplace bosses on Wednesday decided that they should, as a company support the ‘Voice’.

Unbelievably stupid!

Now it’s up to their ‘new’ board to vote!!!

They obviously don’t care about sticking their noses into social issues that have nothing to do with them but also don’t care about the financial costs and ultimately bankruptcy as they continue down the woke road.

We just need them to stay afloat for a few more years until he’s old enough to retire. He survived opposing the jab so Lord willing, he’ll survive this.

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Nothing worse than going to watch the footy NRL for me and watching the endless indigenous recognition happening through the warm up and then through the match but do I blame them no! Many Australians have been utterly convinced through the new history TV shows like the Australian wars to vote yes for the voice...good people have been radically convinced by the ABC and SBS that Australia has a racist and an utterly diabolical history with white settlement killing indigenous peoples and invading land everywhere..I’ve heard this from good people I’ve sat and listened to their reasoning they have been completely taken up by this narrative which is reinforced everywhere....any course of action to remove injustice is a good one even “yes” for the voice...we must all realise that good people are saying yes because their sympathies have been conflicted through the crafty manipulative media...I am very concerned that the guilt trip is working and that we need more indigenous leaders to stand up and clearly say that racism is not the issue....unfortunately this is all washed down the drain when you go to the football and one young kid gives a spray to another indigenous footballer and we are left hearing this for weeks everywhere. We are all told that we are systematically racist and it’s everywhere it’s not just an immature young fan who just needs to be corrected....Why aren’t Asiana and Indians being considered?? Every migrant has their own story of out and out racism and indifference but we have had to weather the storm until we have been finally accepted. I cannot accept that the only place we find racism is with the indigenous...is there obvious skin colour difference being used to obtain further unjust gain for only some and definitely not for those who are most disadvantaged like those in the remote communities? One has to wonder where has all the help gone when you see a place like Alice Springs! We should see we’re our tax monies are being directed and if all of these funds are being absorbed by the these so called indigenous organisations...we would soon all realise that this is the biggest junket of them all....where has the money gone from budget to budget? Why has it never reached the truely b disadvantaged?...we need a rigorous economic exposure on this one to convince the masses that the monies have gone elsewhere and their emotions have been manipulated! The voice is not about caring for the disadvantaged it never has been it’s about giving more power to those who claim some offence which leads to compensation and reparations

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As an indigenous person (I was born in Australia) I can say that if we want to have immigration then we should make sure we have jobs, roads and houses for them before they come.

Today we may have jobs that others will not do, but houses are not there and the toll roads do not allow us to travel freely like the constitution says is our right.

When the first fleets came we had plenty of room and those people built the nation we have now that we also share with others that come.

The last thing we need to do is divide the people so that the Chinese can conquer us and make us their slaves. Do we want that or shouldn't we appreciate the freedoms we have that we all fought for?

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So over all this nonsense. It’s dangerous and deceptive.

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Absolutely! It is very deceptive and extremely dangerous indeed.

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I am yet to come across anyone who thinks this "Voice" is a good thing. But what can we expect from a football club, especially when they are in Danistan!

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

"First Nations" what nation/s . They were a bunch of tribes. That fought each other liked and hated each other just like everyother group of humans have for thousands of years. They where never a nation.

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One black elder told my son that they were not the first people here. He said there were white people with high technologies that showed them how to make all their weapons including the boomerang and didgeridoo. They were also very tall and peaceful. It seems the black people feared them and killed them off with these weapons.

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Spot on Wayne

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

😅 A well written piece of journalism again, James. I love the way you think outside of the square. Not only funny and entertaining, but factually accurate and insightful. Well said Brother.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Seems endemic in sport these days James. Just look at the French football team who embraced inclusion 100%. To the exclusion of anyone white. And yes funnily enough they lost!

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I gave up watching and supporting professional sport when they started the whole political activist thing. These days my dollars are directed towards cost of living and not the virtue signalling of overpaid, entitled buffoons with no grip on reality. Who can even afford the cost of tickets anyway.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Apr 1, 2023

I don’t watch any professional sport of any kind and the day I take my moral or principles from them is never going to come. As for the idea of racism or critical theory.. we are one race- the human race. We may have different colour skin and cultural practices but we were all created by the the God if the universe and descended from Adam then Noah. Racism is a evolutionary term which implies that some groups are superior to others because they happened along accidentally at different times in history. So we are all the same. To give a small percentage of the population who come from another culture special recognition and powers in the constitution is wrong and implies that all cultures need to mentioned and given special powers. We have lots of Africans, Asians, Europeans and Arabic peoples here- are they going to get recognition?

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Well said Jillian. Absolutely correct!!

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