Just when I think that there’s nothing left to shake my head at…this pops up.

I fail to understand how “supposedly intelligent “ people can not see the wood (twigs)for the trees “Forrest“.!!!

Thank you once again for your informative report James.

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I love that we have idiots running this country both Federal & State. It, at least, makes us part of the western world and not feeling abandoned. Imagine if we had intelligent, godly people at our helm! How would we cope????

Nuclear, Coal & Gas. God given but as yet not altogether received.

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"The wheels on Chris Bowen’s renewable energy billy cart are really starting to wobble."

I wish the legs on Chris Bowen's chair in Parliament House would wobble enough to throw him out of there!

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The trouble is he is only 1 of many.

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It's typical of politicians to pretend to be what their voters want them to be in order to stay in power. The deception seems to be unravelling the current government. Truth tends to do that...

Let us pray.

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Is it an electric billy cart?

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JM, you might not have seen this week that New Hope Coal “NHC” happily reported strong ongoing demand from China.

Where else could the Chinese get the energy to build EVs and solar panels to sell to virtue signallers in Australia?

“We expect Chinese demand to continue for the remainder of calendar year 2024 with potential upside opportunity for the broader thermal coal market.”

Share price was up almost 10% in two days.

The incompetence of those who govern us never ceases to amaze.

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The Chinese have been opening a new coal fired power station each week for a number of years. Not sure of the exact number but it is many and each will burn coal for 50 or 60 years, maybe longer. We are not allowed to build even 1 to replace the old ones we have.

In the mean time the govt is importing vast numbers of immigrants to grow our population , aiming now at 40 million from 26. If they were serious about limiting our carbon they would slow population growth not speed it up.

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Pauline Hanson was pilloried and reviled in the most foul manner by these leftist wankers who think 'flooding us with unassimable "migrants is good for the country. Where are they coming from ? I would bet that none are white English speaking South Africans from the squatter camps they have been sent to .

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The investment news letters I read are recommending buying shares in coal, oil and gas companies which are cheap and unpopular now but the price and sales of these 2 industries can only go up.

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It's pretty telling that Twiggy Forrest who was going to make 30M T of Green H2, then it was 15M T, then it was we will let you know which 5 projects get the go ahead (2yrs ago) and still bugger all.

I know he assembled alot of great minds to try and make it happen, but the cost and Unreliability of Wind & Solar were unable to make it work cheaply. And using Hydro and Geothermal, whilst more practical were extremely expensive. You would think Labor might have learnt something from watching Twiggy Burn over a Billion dollars on producing nothing, but nope, those Union hacks know so much more than the Engineers & Scientists. To say our country is endowed with wind and solar potential which makes it a no brainer to do renewables and export power to Singapore (that was/is a project) via a giant subsea cable, is just laughable. With cyclones and hailstones in the tropics, it would be pretty silly to stick much up there, for it to bend and break.

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Twiggy and Canon Brooks are profiting from govt subsidies, not from any real production of anything useful.

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So True. It's telling that Twiggy focussed his efforts on the US, as they had money from Bidenomics IRA they were expecting to receive, but it appears now they will get get very little of it. So nothing gets built. If Renewables needed a little help then fine, but we are talking Iron Lung support, these crazy ideas would die if they were not permanently on the Tax payers teat.

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What a joke! These intelligent ( not) individuals decided they needed to fix what wasn’t broken and now they have egg on their faces. I wonder if any of the batteries that will store electricity will be like the e bikes and cars that keep going up in fire and destroying properties?

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It aint egg on their faces.

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Something else?

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Another good call out James.

I believe facts are that no matter how efficient we, Australia, become in energy production it make no difference to our planet’s carbon footprint.

We are growing our population,

We are consuming more power,

We need produce more power.

Our government needs to stop pandering to leftist woke idealists in its quest to garner more votes from the younger, greener, vegan, tree-huggers who haven’t got any clue about much at all apart from what they’re indoctrinated with on TikTok.

It’d be great to have a government with backbone, intestinal fortitude, foresight, economic management & morality to lead us.

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The last paragraph is everything the wogs government is NOT .

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Yep, unfortunately!

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I keep thinking if wind and solar were so amazing, reliable and the best way of powering great cities and nations, why was electricity ever invented and why did we ever need electricity grids to start with? Hmmmm

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