The bloke is clueless

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50 ways to destroy this great country of ours, and 50 ways to show you care nothing at all about those who are on Centrelink payments like Jobseeker Payment who are trying to live on under half the minimum wage - these people have nothing now and are definitely not happy, and there will be many more people who will be added to their numbers as time goes by. It is shameful that a country like Australia allows people to live so far under the poverty line. What are they meant to do when they have sold everything of value to survive, are on the street with nowhere to live and have no food and no job prospects. This Government have essentially created a class war already. And they want to bring in more people from overseas to work here which will make the situation so much worse for the poor people already struggling to get a job to make ends meet.

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Just read this piece by Anthony P Mueller touches on this topic with respect to the World Economic Forum 2030 agenda.

“ The World Economic Forum and its related institutions in combination with a handful of governments and a few high-tech companies want to lead the world into a new era without property or privacy. Values like individualism, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are at stake, to be repudiated in favor of collectivism and the imposition of a “common good” that is defined by the self-proclaimed elite of technocrats. What is sold to the public as the promise of equality and ecological sustainability is in fact a brutal assault on human dignity and liberty. Instead of using the new technologies as an instrument of betterment, the Great Reset seeks to use the technological possibilities as a tool of enslavement. In this new world order, the state is the single owner of everything. It is left to our imagination to figure out who will program the algorithms that manage the distribution of the goods and services.” Happiness is defined by having nothing left to lose.

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One term indeed!!!!!

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We will be happy when the government tell us that we are happy! 😟🙃

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Sadly James, its what happens when the lunatics are given control of the asylum.

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Hmm... Labor Party? Let me see. Left wing - tick. Socialist - tick. Dystopian - tick. Communist - tick.

Switch and bait - tick. Voice vs Cost of Living? Green Energy vs Coal/Nuclear ? Robodebt vs Covid Malfeasance/Royal Commission? Albo as Big Brother? 1984/2023 and "we are living the Trotsky dream!" But its O.K. I haven't taken the jibby jab but swollowed the RED Pill instead!!!

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Both sides of Government are to blame, for too long they have been trying to buy our votes with handouts of our money.This has made people who have never been subjected to any or little adversity expect more and more. A large part of the population have been allowed to become welfare dependent, with a feeling of entitlement.

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We need to rename all these ministries like they did in 1984.

Ministry of Peace was really the ministry of war.

Love is hate, Yes is no, Black is white, Happiness is despair, Economy is spending, etc.

In fact Albo is doing exactly what the cabal fixed the elections for him to do, destroy Australia, kill and sterilize the people with experimental gene therapy injections, make power too expensive, divide the people with racism, enforce unionism and destroy small businesses.

They need to destroy everything so they can build back better.

Expect a Depression, not just a recession.

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Thanks, James, why don't you tell us what you really think?🤪 Jim Chalmers could have saved himself a lot of time and used to lyrics to Ian Dury's reasons to be cheerful part 3, because it makes just as much sense. Why do they keep drilling holes in our lifeboat, is what I want to know, and who will stop them?

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Maybe people like you, GregK.

Get your neighbors together to thrash out an emergency plan for when the you-know-what hits the fan. Be prepared.

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Thanks Aili. For some reason the reply to your email would not reply to just you. I may be doing something wrong? We are trying to do what we can but there is a lot of resistance out there too. Most people seem to be ambivalent towards any response/action whatsoever which is greatly disappointing. God bless you for doing what you believe is right too.

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Chalmers by name, charmer by nature. You vill be beaten each morning until morale improves. And I think the reason you get a Labor government every 10-15 years, is because first time voters invariably put their trust in good intentions on Labor’s part. Then they get older, have a family and kids and feel the real pressure of Labor’s mismanagement and turn conservative. By which time a new mob of indoctrinated foolishness becomes old enough to vote out the conservatives who have fixed the economy again, only see this cohort vote them out.

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Thanks again James for expressing truth, reality and common sense so clearly. I will enjoy reading your assessments until the Ministry of Truth will cancel you....

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Enough of this nonsense & we’ll become a basket case ripe for a Chinese takeover!!

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Arghhhhh. Just listening to you list those ‘Monitors’ names makes me depressed. Everyone we’d hoped would never be running this country is actually running this country into the ground and beyond. 😢 Sadly I suspect ‘we ain’t seen nothing yet’.

I can’t even imagine what the 50 would be. 🤔 although I’m certain there’s a Disney movie in there somewhere!

Thanks again James.

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You are right again, James.

50 shades of grey, or is that beige?

Doesn't even fit Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy.

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Dead right James. None of your acerbic comments are wasted here. It’s hard to have well being when you’re cold & hungry, not to mention the kids. This is a summary of gross idealogy based incompetence.

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