I'm not a Labour supporter. But I do think we need a more moderate stance on the middle eastern conflict. It's not black and white, that's for sure! Having lived in the Middle East for quite a few years, I realise that my views differ a little with your tone, James.

I understand the intense interest that evangelical Christians have in Israel, and that their particular interpretation of certain Biblical prophecies favours Israel, denigrating the Palestinians.

If you could only see firsthand the real situation...the Palestinians have indeed been persecuted! If the perpetrator were not Israel there would have been an international outrage with sanctions and more, against Israel. As it is, the suffering continues.

Of course everyone wants peace! But the Israelis generally want peace by crushing the Palestinians. The arrogance is unbelievable!

Nobody claims one side is perfect. Of course Hamas must accept its shame for atrocities committed. But if you have the time and inclination you might watch this video, compiled by a brilliant young Jewish woman (yes, Jewish!) who came from the USA to live in the Middle East to document what was happening. It is well worth watching:


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Anne H.

Following on from previous comments God makes it very clear who should occupy the land of Israel. I quote from Psalm 105 verses 6 to 11 which state;

6. O seed of Abraham, His servants,

O sons of Jacob, His chosen ones!

7. He is the Lord our God;

His judgements are in all the earth.

8. He has remembered His covenant


The word which He commanded to a

thousand generations,

9. The covenant which He made with

Abraham, and His oath to Isaac.

10. Then He confirmed it to Jacob for a

statute, to Israel as an everlasting


11. Saying, "To you I will give the land

of Canaan as the portion of your


In the book of Joel, chapter 3, verses one and two God issues.a warning that He will judge those nations which divide His land.

At this moment in time I believe that Israel has only about twelve percent of what God gave to them originally and they share that land with a people who want to wipe them off the face of the earth! In that group I don't include the many Arab people living in Israel who are devout and committed Christians.

Although I believe both Anthony Albanese and Penny Wong attend church it is clear that neither of them know, or respect, God's word in relation to Israel or that that ignorance and rebellion can ultimately bring judgement on Australia.

When George Bush and Condolesa Rice

pushed Ariel Sharon to expel the Jewish citizens of Gaza some years ago and give the land to the Palestinians, eight and a half thousand people lost their homes and livelihoods l. Not long after

hurricane Katrina hit the southern states of the US and eighty five thousand people were affected which was a tenfold increase in those who were displaced in Gaza.

I pray for Anthony Albanese and Penny Wong that they will amend their policies to come in line with God's word, not only regarding Israel, but in other areas relating to this land of Australia.

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Hey Labor, James just called Bingo, you lose.

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Our Pm and Foreign Minister are both W(R)ONG! They do not represent the majority of Australians on this matter. Why not have a Referendum on the moral right for Israel to exist? Do we support the anti-Israel side which does not want peace, but the total obliteration of the only free and democratic nation in the middle east, or do we side with the people of Israel who openly aid the so-called Palestinians by admitting them to the top medical hospital facilities only to have cakes and sweets handed out whenever an Israeli is murdered by one of the jihadist terrorists? The actions of our government are to be condemned. Like all 'woke' leaders, they know nothing about historic events in this region.

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"... does not want peace" -- You can't make the guns keep still if it's not your neihbour's will.

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It is a disgraceful indictment upon Australia's present government to see it grovel before these rocket-throwing moon worshippers. (Allah is a moon deity. Many Islamic countries show an image of a crescent moon on their national flags)

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Omg James, thank you.This is so typically. Penny & Albo..Dynamic Duo at it ÀGAIN !!!🙄🙄🙄they have to GO!!🤬🤬🤬🤬

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Thanks, James for pointing out the insanity once again. I think we have an issue with not understanding just how small Israel's land is. As others have said, at the end of the second world war they were basically offered up to be killed by their enemies when they went to live in their land. Their enemies have made it clear for millennia that they just want to kill them and remove them from the face of the earth. In Revelations it talks about the nations of the world surrounding Israel to attack it. The league of nations or UN has long been involved with the demise of Israel. It is greatly concerning the our government is listening to the UN. It looks like we are closer to the end than we may have thought. We will keep praying that His kingdom will come and His will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.

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Well written Gregk

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You are quite right Greg. When I went to Israel a few years ago I was amazed at how small it was.

When you see first hand the land the UN demands Israel give up you immediately understand why it would be suicidal for Israel to do so.

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Labor is following its immigration policy. Two destroy white Christian Australia they have deliberately imported lots of Moslems who are now voters so must keep them happy. Once a country has a mosque the country belongs to Islam and we have lots of mosques. Sky news is full of Jews who speak on behalf of Israel but never reveal their identity. Labor is also trying to give control of Aust to the X bred white Aboriginal elite who will be used to control the agenda. Full bloods will continue to live in poverty; trapped in their violent, superstitious, stone age culture and not allowed to develop or advance because they are useful as they are. It is impossible to reconcile all these opposing demands and policies.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn when looking at the disaster of Communism in the USSR with more than 66 million dead, (only 2% of children born in the year of the 1917 revolution staying alive to reach their 50th birthdays)asked the question Why did it happen? In answer he quoted the old people who said the people forgot God. Once you ignore God and his teaching that is designed to help us, then you can believe and do anything. What we see every where in Aust is simply the results of people rejecting God and his teachings. The Chinese curse, "may you live in interesting times", seems to apply to us today.

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Recognition of the West Bank’s boundaries for Palestine was not part of Labor’s 2022 election platform- it just more policy of expediency. As Dutton said “ determination of certain territories to be “occupied Palestinian territories” is accompanied by determinations on the precise boundaries of such territories? Without that, what exactly is the determination referring to?”

Ancient Israel as per biblical descriptions both in Exodus and Ezekiel are clear as to the West Bank being part of Israel. Labor is quick to recognise “native title” boundaries which were never recorded in text, yet historical documents 3500 years old are disputed.

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Yes, very well put.

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Truely an end time sign. Israel will have no friends and stand alone. We must pray for them. The media is vilifying Benjasmin Netanyahu, when he is such a good man for that country. Look out, it is all happening and soon we will be out of here!

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I cant wait to be out of here!! What a glorious day that will be! But until then we wear our amour and we stand and we fight against evil!

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Oh, great, terrorists are good now, I understand, glad our labor overlords have re-educated me, brilliant.

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Sorry James, but respectfully disagree with you on this one.


I stand with my fellow Christians brothers and sisters in Palestine.

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Glad to see another voice of moderation here. Thanks for supporting "spiritual Israel" - all those who accept Jesus as Saviour are now counted as Abraham's seed. The battles in the Middle East are distracting people from the real issues. Satan must be so pleased with himself. Bless you!

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What about your fellow Christian brothers and sisters in Israel? Do you stand with them? We should all stand with our fellow Christian brothers and sisters, regardless of where they are from, for we as Christians are all part of the Kingdom of God and that is all that really matters now.

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Christians are in danger under Israeli government, says Holy Land patriarch

Benjamin Netanyahu’s rightwing policies are emboldening attacks on 2,000-year-old community, says Catholic regional leader


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Judeo-Christianity? Should This Term Be Used?


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Is there anything at all that this Labor government can get right? If there is, it’s by accident because each “plan” they have come up with hasn’t worked or hasn’t been to the benefit of Australia or Australians and yet with about only 33% of the election vote they supposedly act and speak for all Australians.

Not for this Australian they don’t. They are a total embarrassment.

Labor has to go.

Bring on the next election.

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"Not for this Australian they don’t. They are a total embarrassment. Labor has to go. Bring on the next election." Hear! Hear! Get rid of them! The sooner the better!

Dutton seems to have his head screwed on the right way and seems to be a good and sensible man who is sound-minded and not reckless, like others. But poor bloke - he's going to have so much mess to clean up after Labor if/when he takes over from Albanese, not to mention the relentless attacks he'll be served from the left!

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It would seem that there is one thing this Labor government are getting right - and that is the 'Yes' campaign for the 'voice', for it is so insulting to the public and so stuffed with blatant deceit, that it is actually working to persuade the public to vote 'no'! Well done with that, Labor! Keep up the great work!

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The trouble is most of the other parties are useless, look at Victorian Liberals and NSW Liberals who deserved to lose the elections.

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How is it that we can't find rational, capable people in government and public administration?

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This Labor Government are nothing but a bunch of anti-Christian, anti-democratic, pro-communism, pro-terrorist thugs! The double standards of this government are astonishing! James, this truly is a new low when it comes to this Government. And it is at this point that I feel ashamed to be Australian. Sharri gave an excellent interview about this recently on Sky. It is titled 'Labor to 'strengthen' pro-Palestine stance'. Penny Wong and that Graham Perrett, along with Albanese and his phony government should hang their heads in shame!!!

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I am astounded as to how anti semitic and just plain ignorant this Labor government is. I couldn’t care less about AUKUS or nuclear submarines. We shouldn’t be aligned with broken banana republics.

But Israel has offered the Arabs land over and over again. But because they want to finish what the Nazis started - the destruction and annihilation of the Jewish people - they refuse. It is instructure that these instructive that Arabs could have returned to Syria and Turkey from whence they had come but elected. to stay. Now non one wants them. So sad.

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