It's too much. Most people have no issue with people identifiying however they want - they just don't want it pushed in their face 24/7. Everyone should be whatever they want but just don't force me to be what you think is right!

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When they're pushing their agenda, they may use terms like "the majority of people" and proceed to tell us what most of us agree with and believe...but there's no greater measure, than where we spend our $$. Sales figures cannot pretend to be something they are not (apparently unlike humans!)...when they go down in response to a campaign like that one, they expose how "the majority" of people who actually used to buy the product, really feel about what they are being told they believe. While most, sensible people won't speak out against this agenda with their mouths (out of fear of being cancelled!) our wallets will certainly continue to speak...loudly and clearly. SO looking forward to the next few years in the USA and the rippling impact that will have around the world as we all continue to follow our international leaders.

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It's all so tiring isn't it? This mob are always trying to shove things down our throats... Trying to get their message across that they need to be accepted.

Well,their effect on me is like..the time I fell in with the wrong crowd, just because I wanted to 'fit in . So I drank too much beer and the inevitable happened....!

So it will be...when the woke wake up....and spew the lies out of their mouths. It's never too late to stop the rot.

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I am boggled! I wonder who thinks up these crazy ads? If someone asked me if I would like a Bud Lite, I would have thought they were offering me a friendly light bulb!!!!

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Good morning James. Honestly you’re swamped with subject matter, but, you do it so well 😃 Thanks

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Let us hope that the woke world is being put back where it belongs, not just asleep, but dead and buried.

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Where’s the perfume bar?

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