Finish it!!!!

Get everyone out of their misery..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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Reminds me of the meme:

Ayatollah Homeini - I will destroy America!

Kim Il Sung - no, I will destroy America!

A smiling Joe Biden - I beat you to it!!!

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I cannot believe the Dems. can even allow this. Having studied, worked and educated in the area of dementia for years, it is obvious Joe Biden has cognitive impairment which will only worsen over time. Yet the idiotic Democrats want him to continue as leader of the free world. What a farce and a tragedy.

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We shouldn't forget that Joe Biden takes advice from his staff and other influential democrats. They would be driving the agenda. But I understand that the buck stops with him - the Commander in Chief. I've looked after a lot of 80-year-olds over my 50+ years as a health professional, and still do. I doubt that acting independently, Biden has the wherewithal to do the job - all the external signs point to that being the case., despite the sanitized news releases from his health advisers. I wouldn't wish to deride his capacity simply due to age, but on the other hand this must be balanced against his position on the world stage - and the stakes are high. I don't see him as a strong C-I-C at a time when one is sorely needed. Putin, Ping, Kim Jong Un and the Iranians must be both amused and eager to grasp the window of opportunity created by Biden's dithering. Talk is cheap. No wonder that Macron thought that he could step in! It's also a pity that America is so politically polarized, and that shady Trump appears to be the frontrunner for the GoP. All of this leads me to think that we must learn from history, defensively re-arm, and not be dragged into other countries' conflicts. That's how World Wars begin. This would be a major step forward, define our position, and provide an answer to incompetent leaders elsewhere.

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This is just to get people to think that nothing is wrong and the US is not yet destroyed, when it is. They don't believe the US will survive until 2024, so none of this will matter as his boss Xi will be running the country.

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Apr 29, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

He has to be the single most embarrassing and destructive president the US have ever had.

It’s time to go...Biden!

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Apr 29, 2023Liked by James Macpherson


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O he wants to finish the job alright! With the assistance of a certain previous president (Mr Obama). Their aim is to destroy the free world and put it in chains, that is the job he wants to finish. Whether he can speak coherently or stand up straight is immaterial. The job must be done at any cost!

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Hi James. On the topic of Biden's speeches, I'm not sure if you've covered it (I've got a few of your emails to get through πŸ˜” sorry). But what is your take of 'his' speech announcing Australia's nuclear-powered submarine purchase & the team of AUKUS about a month ago. I'm convinced it was a double. I have never heard Biden put more than two words together properly and this was without fault!!

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The original Joe Biden died years ago in a Navy hospital and they have been using actors with masks since then. One video shows the mask malfunction when he scratches the back of his neck during a press conference.

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Well this is a true turning point for America four more years of this guy and this party and we will see a true super power fall..America despite its flaws has been the best super power to have in charge of world affairs another four years of this guy and will see the age of the dragon and China flexing its muscle around the world with Russia close behind.. it’s ours greatest mistake to aid Ukraine against Russia this will come to bite us when America is at its weakest...Australia has burnt its bridges with the only other power who could counter China well done Albo...we need another God send another wrecking ball will it be Trump?? Well that will be a real miracle...we are at the point with the alternative so bleak that we are all praying and hoping for miracles! God is our only sanity at the moment..God is winning converts through sheer out and out desperation!

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"Let's finish the job" , what he means "let's finish America". Annihilate everyone's way of life to keep the elite happy and in complete control of everyone. The madness continues everywhere You tube gave me a warning yesterday when I left a comment on Hannah Gadsby simply saying I didn't care if she was straight, bi or whatever she was her comedy is just not funny. Hate speech was mentioned in their message??? I was remarking about the death of Barry Humphries who also said these people were ruining comedy. Now in then process of de-googling myself before I wrote google a nice little reply. mm I might get in some really good parting shots at Biden too.

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I just spent two days deleting my comments and likes off my YouTube account. I didn't want the PC Police knocking at my door at 2am because I liked a sky news Australia video back in 2021.

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It seems with have come to that.. can people not see communism in staring us in the face...of the course if the Pc Police knock at your door how will this fare in a Court of Law .given the state of the Courts to uphold the Constitution ...yep you probably the made the right move :(

welcome to the land of "Commie down under"

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Let’s finish the job? Does he mean, open borders, inflation, green new deal, bankrupting the country in Ukraine, leaving his people behind in the Sudan? More mutilated children, more damage from covid vaccines, more chaos, poverty and division?? Yes let’s finish that job!!!

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Apr 29, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Heaven help America and the rest of us. With him as the leader of the free world, we are doomed.

The Biden family are so corrupt they need to be in prison, not the White House. Joe maybe Gaga but he still knows what’s going on when it comes to cash! Donald Trump is the only one I would trust to fix all this if they will let him!

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