The West is in free fall.

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God bless Aaron Edwards for boldly speaking the truth! Let's be encouraged by his example!

'Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.' Deuteronomy 31:6

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What can I say besides u have to be beyond ridiculous to even call your self a Christian institution. The Bible is clear in that homosexuality is a sin. This is ridiculous I can’t say what I really want to id get banned

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Thanks for bringing this to our attention James. Another appropriate reference is Joshua in OT saying “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord“ – including God’s Word. Sad to see parts of the church turning its back on God and his word, but God told us this would happen. We are losing our distinctive salt and light.

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Sad! The Catholic Church might be next!!

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The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie - Mark Twain

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it - George Orwell

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John and Charles Wesley would be rolling in their graves at the way their Methodist denomination has gone! I am grieved by it! Having gone to a Methodist school where I could have brought it into disrepute by knowing what went on on the back seats of buses (which I had no idea at 14), as a day student and having to travel on the bus. My headmistress was giving me the message while plucking fluff off my jumper. I was intrigues to discover what went on in th back seats of buses, but never did find out!!! As a student, I was a representative of the school as well as the Methodist church, so I had to keep a standard, which apparently has been dropped over the years. How sad!!!! It was, however, the foundation of my Christian faith for which I am ever grateful. Hymn number 32 in the Methodist hymn book and Philippians 4:4-8 were drummed into us for a number of years. Mind you, I am talking the 1950's and early 60's. So much has changed since. But Praise God, Jesus hasn't!

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Christians never thought that the same sex vote would lead to Christian views being labelled as bigoted or hate speech terrorists for just simply voicing an opinion or criticising a government narrative...like things can be never questioned and voted against...and now they are using the terrorist tag to enforce police arrests and detention for no other reason other than speaking against views which are contrary to our own....It’s is our fault....leaders in the church have a adopted a business model which has primarily focussed on entertainment and positive prosperity, politically correct messaging leaving many of it members asleep at the wheel and clueless to the oncoming train coming down the tunnel....and the notion that the church never gets involved in politics means that the church never clashes with the government but this means that it maintains its tax exempt status...now there is the problem being tax exemption means a lot of money! Very few churches clash against the government as they would rather preach about topics which bring dopamine to the congregation...wake up and get off the meds and inform the congregation about what the government is doing... and who to vote for based on biblical principles....people are going to church saying seriously this pulpit is not giving me what I actually need to survive...it closed down in COVID to save itself...it’s actually giving a message which is all about the church surviving! What happened to giving us one of greatest powers the church has “Rhema Truth”. Church tell us the truth about today and get off the program please!

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Oh no I knew it would he trouble but how fast it’s moving is the shocker. Tbh it’s the govt and corporations leading the charge

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James! You must get a proofreader! So Martin Luther sanded the door of the Wittenberg castle before nailing his 95 theses upon it? 😂😂 Sorry-hilarious.

Great article. Incredible times.

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Another apostate church…. Sigh….we were warned this would happen

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How far the Methodist Church has fallen from its evangelical revivalist roots of the Wesley brothers founders. James it seems we certainly are moving into the Book of Revelation at a fast rate, and we must hold fast to God’s truth and promises and share at every opportunity.

“The light (of Jesus) shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 and one of my favourites.

‘ ...As children of God, living in a crooked and depraved generation, In which we shine like stars in the universe, as we hold out the Word of Life.’ Phil 2:14-15

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Time to replace that shingle over their door from ‘Methodist’ to ‘Ichabod’ - for the glory of God has departed. Seems mainstream churches are increasingly seeing their role to conform to the culture around them rather than confront the culture with the unerring and unchanging word of God.

I guess the idea of being hated for the sake of Jesus is just too much for the contemporary church to handle. Fat chance they’ll be hated by the culture when you can’t tell the two apart.

Of course it’s all done in a self righteous effort to make sure they’re on the ‘road to inclusion’ which sounds awfully similar to a certain wide path that leads to destruction.

Looks like the great falling away is in full swing. Maranatha!

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That is shocking but hardly surprising given that the church generally is walking away from biblical truth and making a stand on biblical truth. The times are darkening and we will have to be ready to answer and even die for our beliefs. Why is the church so afraid of a bunch of insecure parodies of manhood and womanhood. We do indeed have the answer to that insecurity and shame that the LGBTetc people feel. Jesus- our beautiful Saviour.

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It gets wackier and wackier. My Methodists ancestors, including a number of ministers, would be horrified at what has happened to the denomination. I have listened to Calvin Robinson, also from the UK, who wasn't allowed to be ordained because of his 'conservative' views. Views which don't fit the narrative of the Anglican church there.

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