Thanks James. There’s so few calling this out, and it’s scary to think what it could lead to for our daughters and granddaughters if we do not speak up. I am a woman pastor (authentic plumbing and all) and still battling tradition and precedence that seems to trump Bible and logic when it comes to women in leadership - so contemplating another battle, where some men again assume they can muscle in wherever their egos and feelings are stroked is exhausting and infuriating. It’s also dangerous.

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Hey Deborah. Thanks for reading. You hit the nail on the head ... there are so few people calling this out. That, to me, is the weirdest thing about all of this.

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This is generalising but it seems to me that every human being is on the same road of life but as soon as the going gets tough and commitment to truth and the welfare of other people is called for, most drop out to the side one by one and stay there in a cosseted blissful state of limited development and responsibility. Let other people do the hard work.

The main reasons they leave the hard stuff up to a tiny percentage of society seem to be their fear, ignorance, slothfulness, even arrogance as they set upon anyone, friend or stranger, and can make life hell for any thinking person with the courage to speak out against these evils. This majority are easily led, easily duped and easily manipulated. They take no responsibility for research and discernment in testing all the spirits as the Bible calls us to do. Because they lack the spine to speak up for what is true and what is morally wrong, they become the wind beneath the wings of these narcissistic creatures who would have insane uncontrolled power over the rest of us.

Makes me realise what God puts up with! Except He gets it from the whole planet.

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Thank you James.

I struggle to understand how you or anyone can focus on a single issue, even one as vital as this because - our whole history is being erased.... n rewritten. Christianity is being erased....and rewritten. Both women n men are being erased...n rewritten. Our entire way of life is being demolished n reconstructed...

These events are not happening only now yet most seem to be pretending that they are ? This massive universal lie, could not be, unless it had been in progress for many years. Our politicians our churches are busy doing as you say...refusing to define not just what a woman is, but what a man is, what a child is, what a parent is, what a family is. They and the medical profession want to decide who lives who dies n when (euthanasia, assisted suicide, abortion, coerced medical treatment....but I am preaching to the converted surely ?

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The battle is no longer between religions or ideologies but between the sane and the insane, the normal and the abnormal. Those who believe truth exists and those who believe they can create their own reality.

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" For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world........" Ephesians 6:12.

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At what popint are sane people going to stand up and say "enough is enough"! These trans people are in a minority and if we asre labelled "bigots" then so be it, better than lying

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Sanity is being demolished and redefined.

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