I don't watch these circuses any more due to their preaching that evil is good and good is evil.

I like the Russian NHL player's attitude to wearing the LGBT jersey. He won't and as for his critics they can go jump.

The problem is that these Woke controllers will destroy all sport and our lives just so they can look good by their virtue signalling. The sponsors should put a stop to this before they see their money wasted on something that has no future or support.

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I absolutely agree with most of your writing James, but will say that the AO organisers cannot control when people get hurt and are unable to play, this is one of the unfortunate hazards of competition. I think that Tennis Australia has lost the plot and as a result of their wokeness I will not support them in any way.

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Why anyone would watch any professional sport these days is completely beyond d me. The players are spoilt and entitled and seem to think we care about their political beliefs and want to see them behave badly off the field and on the field. The administrators of sport care more about the television rights especially in this case. Better to watch James, Liz and Caleb if you stay up late! Great show even if the set is a bit garish.

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Hear hear James! We should all jack up & not pay more for tickets! I am not down there wanting tickets but why don't we hear more from people who are? Are we just accepting & following on like lambs to the slaughter?? It's time we all stood up and said we belong in this country & have the same rights as everyone else.

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

Totally agree! But unfortunately, so long as Australians keep worshipping the god of sport and materialism, they will be willing to give up their freedom, dignity and any principles they may have had, in order to attend the 'worship service'.

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Sad but true

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I agree James - it's the Australian Open, in the Antipodean/Asian section of the world and yet it caters for American and European time zones - how ridculous! Catering to foreign media profits.........how accommodating of us!

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Great writing James 👍🏽👍🏽

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

So Good 👏👏

So True 👏👏👏💥

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Well, considering that it's really just a travelling circus, comprised largely of show-ponies, which most people have forgotten a couple of weeks' after the players have departed to do it all again, I'm quite happy to see their arrogant administration highlighted. Pathetic time-tabling. To say nothing of the antics of some players who are anything but role models. There are better sports (organisations) to follow.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Great work James

Ps: Hadn’t realise the AO had started. Has it?

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

They lost me over their treatment of Margaret Court.

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Any sign of that nonsense at Eden Park and the place would be empty. As for your Open I’m glad I’m a lesbian it’ll be cheaper if ever I’m silly enough to want to go.

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Diversity, inclusion and equity has always been a part of sport when you sit in the change room and you pull on the same jersey as everybody else and you make plans to endure blood, mud and pain to take the trophy...no man talks about what colour is your skin or what sex is your preference ...who ever it is you put your trust in each others effort...your hoping that your team mate will fight just as hard as you...like a mongrel dog with a bone...fight come hell or high water. you hope like hell that you will not disappoint and return the favour to win the game..I cannot stand how they tell us that they the bastions of this...we have it already in spades...they are stealing it from us...its all about saying they are better than us more virtuous while they turn a buck and have no shame! They have never sat in a change room when the mud and blood combines...were broken bones are plastered and flesh is stitched...we all bled red and the only thing that counts is if you have stood up for your mates and won the game! Who cares if your red, blue or brown or your gay or straight it doesn’t matter you are brothers in arms fighting for the same pride...your team colours...holding the trophy aloft! We are the winning TEAM!

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Long time ago I watched two skillful players just after Wimbledon. It was boring. Never looked at a game since then. I think it was 1966.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

So well said. I wish more people had this kind of clarity.

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The only answer to this rubbish is - Boycott all sport that is discriminatory

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Just boycott professional sport! There is lots to do in place of it.

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