Indoctrination not education.

This type of behaviour just continues to erode trust in the system which is already at an all time low. Not sure if there is any trust left to lose. It’s down to zero with me 🥲

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James encapsulates the truth about what is really happening to Australia today:

(Since when does water, or soil for that matter, “grant life”? Are we worshipping creation now?

Well, actually, yes. Because the lyric continues …

Our land abounds in nature’s gifts to love, respect and share;

And honouring the Dreaming, advance Australia fair;

These same activists would be outraged if anyone attempted to lead children in the Lord’s Prayer. But they do love Aboriginal spirituality!

It all sounds so nice …

Australia, let us stand as one, upon this sacred land;

A new day dawns, we’re moving on to trust and understand

Sacred land? What does that mean? I thought we were all about separation of church and state.)

Our institutions have been infiltrated & subjugated by what the Bible warns & denounces as Anti-Christs. When secularist atheist personage's infiltrate & subjugate our political, educational, media institutions, they have unwisely & foolishly expressed enmity & disavowed the eternal creator God and Lord Saviour Jesus Christ in the Bible & His moral code, they have become reprobate Anti-Christs. By declaring their enmity toward the eternal creator God & Lord Saviour Jesus Christ, they have become reprobate Anti-Christs that worship the creation, or in other words they worship Satan! Our society has been indoctrinated & conditioned by Anti-Christ subjugation of Church-State coalition authority that venerate & worship the creation & Satan, & we are now witnessing this today, the rapid moral decline of our Christian foundation & society & nation! And Christianity, all Christians will be publicly denounced & branded by the Anti-Christ Church-State as "the enemy of society" that must be extirpated. Our beloved Lord Saviour Jesus Christ admonishes us in the Bible that we need not fear any man nor church nor state, that as Christians we shall experience persecution in this end-time period, & we must be ready with anticipation & joy & hope the glorious Second Coming of our Lord Saviour God Jesus Christ! Luke 12:35-59.

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As I have said before - it takes 3 generations to change history. One to change the story, one to teach the story, and one to believe the story. We are currently seeing generation two teaching generation three the lies that they believe. Truth has become irrelevant.

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"Celebrate' is the hot word with all these rainbow- and woke people.

I wonder what traitorous freak came up with such lyrics. Was it, perhaps, a 100% white dreamer from the oldest civilisation on earth?

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That concocted anthem doesn’t even rhyme nicely! Let alone the fact it doesn’t even celebrate all the history of Australia! You’re right James that it sounds like nature worship.

Why does everyone want to go back to emulating a culture that fought and killed each other, never learnt how to build anything, only traced around their hands in terms of painting till circa 1975 when suddenly they learn about dots! They speak over 250 different languages across the country and where’ll expected to learn how to say ‘hello’ in each one! Come on Australia - wake up!!!!!

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James it seems to me that Victoria is the most radical of all states? It appears they want to separate us even more by 'give me the child before he is ,whatever age, and I'll control him for ever', or you know the idea.

So I propose a radical separationist idea for consideration.

Give warning to those Victorians who are against all this stuff, tell them to get out of that State and then we cut Victoria along the NSW and SA borders and propel all those in favour of wokeness south to wards Antarctica until they cool off and beg to be returned on our terms!

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My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: And meddle not with them that are given to change: For their calamity shall rise suddenly; And who knoweth the ruin of them both? Proverbs

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Very apt indeed. This quote is from Proverbs 24:21-22.

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I think you summed it up perfectly in 2 paragraphs James:

“Why can’t teachers teach rather than use their trusted position to conduct social engineering experiments - betraying parents, children and their profession in the process?”


“Honestly, our country is in so much trouble. Why would the Chinese bother to invade when we are already so busy hollowing out ourselves?”

Enough of this divisive, destructive activism already!

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It is a truly stupid thing to do to cut off the branch that we sit on. I am not a fan of our national anthem. I don’t like Morrison’s change. I don’t find it stirring but an animistic anthropomorphic song like that is not right. What part of ‘no’ do these clowns not understand?

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Exactly. What part of 'no' does a tantrum-chucking 3 year old not understand? There is no part of 'no' that a 3 year old doesn't understand. Like a tantrum-chucking 3 year old, this behaviour is defiant and rebellious, and those involved in this are shaking their fist at God.

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This is destined to be The Great South Land of the Holy Spirit! Lord, may it be so! Rise up Australia and call on the Lord 🙏🏻

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Very typical arrogant and self righteous teachers.

Teachers at my local primary school are so ignorant of Australian history that they couldn't even tell me why the 3 sporting houses are called Paterson, McKeller and Lawson.

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That's funny. There's a Paterson, Mackellar (Spelt like this) and Lawson house at my daughter's school too. There is also a Gilmore and Wright house. My daughters are in Paterson House.

This ignorance sounds so typical. I wonder how many staff members at my daughter's school can say why the houses were given these names.

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I was talking to my 6 year grandson about what he was learning about for a history day. The mind boggles. I asked him what he had learned and he said nothing. Further question led me to games kids used to play like marbles.. further info was unforthcoming. When I asked him who came here first he liked blankly at me and said he didn’t know. I suspect while his teacher has been beavering away all he thought about was how to win at beyblades. So all is not lost.

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The principal and teachers involved should have been sacked on the spot. 😡

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Absolute - I agree! 😡

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

It is not as if the modern worshippers of indigenous culture actually know anything about indigenous culture. They don't.

It is confected New Age nonsense, replete with crystals, gaia worship, witchcraft, and neo marxist crap.

They don't respect indigenous culture..they do the opposite...they misrepresent it for their own silly purposes.

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It is simply a defiant, prideful rebellion against God and all that is good and built on the biblical foundations. They don't care about Aboriginal culture. They only care about rebelling against God because their hearts are full of pride. This is just another way for them to shake their fist at God. How pathetic. How stupid.

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You are right, James, we are a nation seemingly bent on self destruction. Was it the Catholic church who said - from the cradle to the grave.....? I know it was some organisation. We had friends from South Africa years ago and when the children went to school, they came home singing the National Anthem - All Ostriches let us rejoice... that is what they heard, maybe they were prophetic! I still don't know all the words to this national anthem as I was taught God save the Queen and by the time it was changed I didn't go places to learn it. Poor children, they are definitely being infiltrated in every area

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Dreadful! Divisive & dangerous!

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shameful and dangerous and divisive

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