Thanks James for summarising so succinctly the horror show of the last 15 months, and particularly for calling out the pathetic advice and actions of our ASIO and police bosses. The Albanese govt is destined to disappear in ignominy; May God bless Australia and raise up leaders of courage who will uphold the rule of law and stem the flow of ‘useful idiots’ filling our institutions!

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It is interesting to see that the Asad regime in Syria has been booted out .Now can all "those people "who run away in the past all go back to rebuild their country or just stay here and bludge on us who built OUR country ?

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Every word you said 👍👏

Jacinta agrees Jews need protection. So who are they protected from? No intention of rounding up known suspects and previous culprits, or firmly directing the imams to issue warnings. She could put an end to protesters who aren’t actually protesting but targeting one group of the community who are too afraid to go into the city.

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The burning of the synagogue in Melbourne is reminiscent of 'Crystal Night' 9/10 November 1938 in Germany and Austria. But in Australia? In 2024??

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All you need is a gutless (or compliant ?) government led by a gutless maggot who sits and fiddles while these atrocities occur .And then dribbles crap about "anti -semitism has been around for a long time " Not in Australia you dill but imported by idiots like you .

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Leaders (so called) fiddle while their countries burn.

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But imported by idiots like "that person "not you Axel.

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Yeah Bob, I realise you didn't mean me. I don't import anyone or anything.

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Just brilliant James - the voices crying in the wilderness are becoming louder. Good people are rising up and being heard eg the Voice (the people spoke loud and clear) Woolworths Australia Day fiasco backtracked - the people spoke, the Hotels non celebration of Australia Day fiasco backtracked - the people spoke etc etc. “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing” Edmund Burke. Well the good people are speaking up loud and clear. Thank you for a voice that talks sense and tells it like it is - all power to the excellent team at Sky News👏

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I couldnt agree more Sue and "that person" has pissed off the Jewish community big time and the electoral backlash from them and the general communities disgust will see these cretins looking for a job in the not too distant future .

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Good for you James. This country is a disgrace because of those disgusting antisemites. If it had been a mosque, can you imagine the outrage? This government needs being kicked out asap and never to be seen again!!!

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Brilliant editorial. I don’t usually watch Erin but catch up on TLS and Rita.

My heart breaks that we have such weasily politicians and police that don’t clamp down on this. We need to start mass remigration and enforce laws that we have against the orgy if hate and violence that we see against the Jewish people.

Read Melanie Phillips latest about the role that Qatar is performing in financing and controlling the negotiations do Hamas and Hezbollah can regroup. The King and Queen and the Duchess of Cambridge all trooped out to make a great fuss of the Emir and his wife! A Republican I am becoming. I hate to say it but Lydia Thorpe was right. The Royals are as bad as the politicians.

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It is the institution of the Crown not the incumbent , Could you imagine the disgusting basket case Australia would become if this collection of verminous scum got control of the republic ?president Plibersek? Bandt ?A nal ?Stop it Ill have nightmares .

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Ok. But how does the present incumbent make any difference to what is happening now? He cheers it along. The royals have always been pro Arab. It’s theirs and the Foreign Office position.

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Merely doing as he is told for diplomatic reasons . The Royals are supposed to be politically neutral.

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Considering all the implications, it is not a diplomatic action. They own many hotels and sports teams and fund universities in Britain but mainly they fund terrorism. The Royals are far from neutral about this.

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I dont think that the King would involve himself in who funds a sporting team or who buys a pub . That would be left to the money men in the public service Dept of sport or commerce .

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Sorry but I think the Royals accepted money from Qatar for a charity - that was the King. They have been cultivating the Arabs for a long time.

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Thank you for saying exactly!!! what needed to be said.

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James that was a powerful message! and thank you for airing a collective opinion for the majority ( I believe) of the Australian public. Every decent Australian who has the benefit of living in a land of freedom and beauty agrees that we cannot continue on the path of political destruction , anti-Semitism AND the influx of Islamic migrants with a hatred for Jews . Christians & everyone else around them who do not comply with their ideals . We CANNOT tolerate any more anti-Australian citizenry ! As I turn on the TV I noticed that other countries around the world seem to be very unhappy with their governments for one reason or another and are protesting for the fall of those governments .. Maybe we should consider doing the same here!..I'm in....


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We need a leader to TELL "these people" to fit in or f---k off. And no three strikes one strike and you are out -mum, dad, kids ,aunties and uncles ALL OUT

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James - you have been a constant outspoken voice of support and moral clarity for over a year now. Last night we discussed, for the umpteenth time over our Shabbat dinner table where we will go if Albanese gets back into power next year. This time it felt more real than ever. My paternal grandfather left Germany after witnessing Hitler refuse to give Jesse Owen a medal at the olympics. This was his final straw. What is the final straw for Australian Jews? The only safeguard we have is that we can get to Israel in 24 hours if need be, a luxury Jews of the 1930s did not have. As the Lefties and Islamic extremists call for the destruction of our Jewish homeland in the streets, they also prove why we need it more than ever.

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I’m so sad and sorry you’re going through this. My dear friend Harry is also speaking of leaving to join his family there, but has family here too. It’s just dreadful. Have faith Albanese will be gone, and in Peter Dutton and James Paterson we trust 🙏

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Thank you Julie for your kind words. Every Jew that I know is having this conversation and has been for the last 14 months. We have faith in the ordinary Australians but unfortunately the rabble are far noisier. We hope the silent majority is just that but it is very isolating.

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Nicky, many, many Australians stand with Israel including this gentile Scot. I pray daily for Israel - have been to Israel and walked the Land. Am Yisrael Chai!

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Thank you Sue. So appreciate the words. It has been an isolating 14 months for world Jewry so words like this mean the world to each and every one of us.

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Nicky ..please don't leave ....there are more of us (non Jews) who love you than those who hate you. Just join in the prayers of many Christians like myself, who are praying for a better future ..a better government so we can live in our land of peace once again.

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Thank you Kate. My Lebanese Christian step mum says that to me all the time. It is just very hard to see through the noise some days and this week has been particularly tough for us Jews xx

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Thank you to sharri and to you James . For always speaking the truth and for always telling it like it is. I feel sick to my stomach that my 89 year old mother who as a baby was forced to flee Vienna with her parents in the 30’s & seek refuge in Switzerland. But they were always considered refugees. Only coming far away to Australia could they become citizens and start a whole new life in a strange land. Along with millions of others, Jews & non Jews alike sought refuge in the ‘lucky country’

Never did I really think that this was a country breeding such wild vicious antisemitism. It’s so devastatingly sad. I only hope that the silent majority no longer sits by to watch

This is happening to every moral respectful Australian

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. How can we get your message across to mainstream media.

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This vicious anti semitism is not home grown but imported by gutless politicians from both sides of the ailse Fraser brought thousands of Lebbos in against all advice and the rest just flowed on in .With "that person "allowing several thousand Gazans in with next to no security checks . A problem pm ?be it on YOUR head .

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I watched you on Erin last night and you did a brilliant job. I am so angry with the weak, divisive Labor gruberment who have emboldened the haters. I pray that the silent Australian voters will pull their heads out of the sand and take a long hard look at what Albanese has done to our country. Conscience before Conformity.

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thank you James for the best summary editorial on the state of anti semitism in Australia today, and along with the Sharri interview, should be replayed on prime time TV and in every parliament house in the country. Sadly it was at 5.00 pm on a summer evening in the lead up to Christmas.

Hopefully it gets another airing as it was far to good.

Thank you ,to you and the Sky team defending Jewish Australians, as our political leaders can only come up with a few weasel phrases and as far as I'm concerned this includes Minns under whose watch as premier the whole process started when he did nothing after the evening of 9th October 2023.

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Thank you James. I wish I could personally come to your studio and personally thank all you Sky hosts. You are what keeps me from falling apart.

My late grandfather ended his Holocaust testimony with words to future generations by saying “you are lucky to be growing up in Australia free of the antisemitism we experienced in Poland. Be a proud Jew and don’t let anyone make you feel like a second class citizen. Always be kind to all mankind”. At the cemetery a few weeks ago, at his grave I said “I am glad you aren’t here to see any of this”.

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This makes me cry to read this. The first thing my sister-in-law and I said on October 7th (and she lives in Israel) was "Thank G-d Zeida is not alive" (both our husbands' grandfather who died in June last year at 104). They were in the middle of the pogrom and that's what she was thinking. Both of us continue to say this every week to each other and I think the same about my own grandparents who have passed as well.

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Very similar. Love to you both.

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My heart breaks for the Jewish people.

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Extraordinary editorial .

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Thank you James for your forthright statement. You can say publicly what many of us wish we could say. I would ask one favour of you please!

Can you get a message through to Sharri Markson for me please?

I want to say how much I admire her stance every night on behalf of her Jewish brethren. She has a powerful message to share, but must be shattered whenever Australian Jewish folk are targeted! As a Christian and loyal follower of Almighty God, I wish I could give her a big hug of support as if she were my own daughter and say to her, you are not alone in this battle with antisemitism.

Most Bible believing Christians are aware of the many statements of covenantal support promised by God to His beloved people over generations. I am part of the generation which has seen and continues to see Biblical prophesy's being fulfilled in my time. The gathering from all over the world of the Children of Israel, the preparation and holding of the Promised Land and the restoration of the State of Israel, all prophesied by Ezekiel about 2700 years ago. God had His hand on Israel then and will continue to hold them in the palm of His hand.

I know Christians and Jews have had their differences in the past, but when it comes to standing with Israel we stand with you, knowing Christianity is next on the hate list.

I am also dismayed and disgusted at the way our Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs have dismantled the alliance and trust Australia had with Israel. They do not speak for me nor most people I have contact with. I wish I could undo the weak willed ani-semitic governments handling of the Gaza situation. As diplomats go, they have obviously not studied nor sought what the people of Israel want to achieve. A two state solution will not work nor is it wanted by either side, as recent history shows.

Finally, Sharri you must continue to stand firm for Australian Jews and Christians, in your endeavour to shame the evil people in society as they attempt to tear down the beautiful country we know and love Australia.

May Adonai bless you and keep you,

May Adonai make His face to shine on you and show you His favour. Shalom!

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Thank you David - voices like yours in this current Orwellian world means so much to the Jewish community right now. It is so appreciated

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I appreciate your sentiments Nicky. In God's eyes we are all His children and I guess it must pain him to see such enmity still being projected upon one by the other. Shalom.

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Beautifully said 🙏

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Thank you David for expressing the ache of my heart so beautifully. Those of us who are Bible believing Christians know and understand the truth. God is in control and Israel lives! Genesis 12:3 “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse ….”

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Thank you Sue. I have watched the slow degeneration of the Australian society with mixed feelings now for some time. I no longer trust the general media and when those forces which have run unchecked get almost AAA backup from the law, my fists clench and it seems I am impotent to do anything. That's why the Substack of James has at least given me an outlet or a steam vent and I am encouraged by people like yourself and others in the Substack community for their support.

We should take comfort for the fact many other believers are around us.

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We all concur.

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Here here

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Beautifully said. Thank you so much

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Beautiful message.

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