The Liberals are nearly as bad though. They aren't going to roll back the anti conversion legislation which is threat to children, Christians , pastors, counsellors and parents. Even if you pray with a person confused person you can go to jail.

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Hate the way Andrews asserts that he is Catholic and then butchers every belief than Catholics and all other Christians believe. The words Jekyll and Hyde come to mind! He appears to have a wish to destroy lives at all stages and ages.

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If Daniel Andrews is a Catholic, then I am a Rastafarian!!!

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Oh James. You write so well!

How do we go about getting you your own show?

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You're very kind Lindy.

I'm on The World According to Rowan Dean Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and hoping it will grow into something larger in 2023.

I do know that Sky Producers pay attention to feedback so if you want to drop them a line thanking them for having me on Rowan's show it is greatly appreciated.

Feedback form is here


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The Andrews Government is, without a doubt, the most corrupt Government in the history of Australia. I am convinced that Daniel Andrews is incapable of stringing two words of truth together.

Some time ago, after expressing my disgust with the fact that this loathsome man is never held accountable for any of the lies and deceit that continually and unashamedly spew forth from his mouth, my mother said, "Be patient - the longer the rope he makes to hang himself on, the further he has to fall".

The truth is that Daniel Andrews is terrified of the bible because it is the truth! And that truth is sharper than a two-edged sword! We must keep fighting harder than ever now, for freedom and the truth!

"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

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Seriously. There is no place for bigotry. There’s no place for stigmatising people.”

So why did he do that to Thorburn?

He wouldn't know real faith if God struck him with lightning.

I expect him to legalize pedophilia in his next term and put those who report pedophiles who have been released into the community into jail for that offense.

Ask him when was the last time he read the bible and I am sure you will not get an answer as that is how he answers all questions he doesn't want to answer. He just diverts to something else.

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You said it brother! 👏

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« All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing » Edmund Burke. As people of faith we need to raise our voices and be heard … in this age of technology how hard is it to send an email/make a call/sign a petition … even people of no faith are outraged by this evil permeating out of Victoria. Can’t help wondering what the priest at Andrews’ local church thinks.

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So Dan claims to have a faith that influences his decisions.Is he aware of his church’s teaching on same sex marriage and abortion of living children made in God’s image? If he is labeling bigotry and homophobia perhaps he should start with his own church.Despite his attacks on Christians God’s love extends to him and like Saul who had blood on his hands too, is not excluded from having his blind eyes opened before he stands before God.History is full of men like Dan Andrews who fought against God.A mighty prophet with the same name.Daniel stood up to the ruler of his day.Andrew a disciple saw Jesus acts firsthand and witnessed the power of God.Hopefully Dan will wake up in time.

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Well written. We can either "watch this space" and watch the pot slowly boil over or people actually find their voice again and start making noise in the right places.

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Are Christians awake & alert yet?

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We are God’s children on God’s terms, not Dan Andrew’s terms.

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Keep up the strong words. It's always a pleasure. I think you as a pastor would be happy to guide Chairman Dan to who the Bible says are God's children. I don't think he'd like that answer.

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Very good James!

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Thanks Sean

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Oct 7, 2022

Well said James, this man needs serious prayer or he is in danger of hell fire!!

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Me: "Dan Andrews got me to believe in religion."James: 'Really, how so?' Me: " It was only when he became Premier I started to really believe in Hell."

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Ha ha!! Love it!!

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