Britain like all the other Western Nations of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand infected by the reprobate woke-left virus of insanity are all sacrificial lambs to the diabolical global eugenics depopulation slaughterhouse, controlled demolition, moral, intellectual, social, economic subversion fomented by the Satan subjugated Anti-Christ Jesuit Illuminati Freemason Vatican and coadjutor globalist surrogates proxies UN, U.S White House, CFR, FR-CB, HS, SS, CIA, FBI, MI5, MOSSAD, EU, NATO, Club of Rome, WEF, WHO, IMF, Pfizer, Planned Parenthood, Bill Gates Foundation, BlackRock, X, Islamic Jihad!

As Jesus warned: "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." Matthew 24:22.

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What utter nonsense🤪. Stop the world I want to get off!😩. Well done to the innovative Israelis (allegedly😊) for paging the terrorists👏👏

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How good is that ? the poor bastards will be afraid to pick their nose in case "someone" has booby trapped it,and now they are crying foul (?) Talk about their chickens coming home to roost !!

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All the proxies and Iran will be second guessing g his safe their devices are. At least the Lebanese people know who the terrorists were using them as human shields

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Their confected outrage?human shields ? what gutless bastards they are .

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The UK went to the dogs years ago, and we are trying hard to emulate them.

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Why get a job. Go trans and sue everyone for a living.

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And just look at the fat shiny liars for hire legal beagles,getting fatter on the taxpayers dollar .

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I needed a good laugh but not at a little puppies expense.

This is so surreal. Bring on the asteroid or the rapture.

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My only comment is, what could $107k been spent on for County roads or health?

Every time I see a Dachshund I visualise it laid between the folds of a hot dog bun, covered in BBQ sauce!

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How did the dachshund in question make known its gender dysphoria?

You are right James, they’re barking mad!!

“You can’t make this stuff up” 😂😂

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"Great" Britain = Nut House!

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Unfortunately the British Lion has been emasculated, and the Bull Dog has charged into one to many parked cars!

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James, thanks for raising this, but I am concerned that someone (she/hers/its/nits) in my local council may read it, and thereby launch a full scale review of its daschhound gender policies. Along with its first nations jewellery making, native songs for kiddies, indigenous languages that no-one actually speaks, we will get daschhound gender affirmation and dress-making at our local library. Starting with the toddlers, of course. While their gooey eyed parents look on, oblivious to the job being done on the next generation.

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So true!

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Insanity yes, but hilarious satirical piece James, 🤣

Once again we see the Left eating (demolishing) their own.

A generous monetised £ amount for the lesbian, indeed.

However; if a Christian had commented, it would have been arrest by the Ministry of (their) Truth, aka the Thought Police instead.

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James, that is so funny. But it is also sad. The lesbian who received compensation for hurt feelings has received ill gotten gains and I wonder how that will benefit her. In a topsy turvey world, I wonder how we will ever know what is up and what is down again

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Where do these lbfuxyz mob have their meetings ?--Wembly Stadium or in a phone box?

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The UK is terminally sick.

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My old Dad said that the Pommies lost all their battles ---until the last one . I wouldnt write the Brits off just yet ,

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This stupidity to the nth degree.

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Is there a competition in the world for who can be the most ridiculous??

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It can’t be real……except it is.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus! 🙏🏽

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‘Hopefully an asteroid’. Amen.

And frankly, the way things are going, it’s long overdue.

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Perhaps not even an asteroid could rid the earth of this miasma.

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I agree! apparently there's one due to pass us, what a shame it will miss

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Truly words fail me.

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I guess it was only a matter of time before pets were dragged into the depraved world of transgender politics.

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more surreal.

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But it does: I saw a TV commercial where a dog (singular) was referred to with the pronoun 'they' - they, the dog!

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It might be where bestiality comes into the picture

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Can things get more depraved/revolting . words are failing me that this sort of behaviour is even remotely spoken about as possible.

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The wokemongers' wokings will not even end in infinity.

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