Just a further note on this. Recently there have been photos circulating on various social media platforms (including LinkedIn) of personnel from WCK cavorting with Hamas terrorists. These photos aren’t from the day or the scene of the unfortunate fatal incident however it’s seemingly not beyond impossible that Hamas terrorists have used, or are using, WCK personnel &/or infrastructure for their own purposes…

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The political opportunists are at it again. If only Albanese had been as upset about the Oct 7 massacre he might have been half believable. The Australian PM and his crew are showing their anti semetic petticoats again. I would have expected the risks associated with aid work in a war zone to be pretty obvious. It's sad but not surprising.

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Exactly. The Israelis are gutted and very regretful but it is war and this young woman should have known the risks. The Israelis have been working with the group getting food aid to the Gazans. Apparently they were responsible for the floating pontoon on the Med. Albo and Wong are just showboating.

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Elbo and wonka have no idea what outrage is but surely they will find out at the next election - BRING IT ON!! Another excellent piece James - thank you. “He that watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps” Psalm 121. Much prayer for Bibi - the only statesman left in this generation.🇮🇱🇮🇱

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Australians are "Outraged"? I'm not outraged, but I'm realistic about the intractable situation in that hell hole - Gaza.

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Albo, Wong and the rest of our ‘leaders’ are such an embarrassment. I’m not certain Australia was ever a big player in this world of ours but with this mob in charge, we look like a small dog fighting a Rottweiler. No one really cares what we think but we should kick these losers out of parliament before we get stepped on!

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I think we are already being walked all over, just waiting for the big stomp to come squish us now really

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It is infuriating to see these two - Albo & Penny - crawling before Australia's Muslim substratum.

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thank you James. exactly my sentiments

Albanese Wong and Co throwing Israel and possibly Australian Jews by default for supporting Israel, under the bus, to garner a few more votes in the Moslem dominated seats in Sydney and Melbourne, as well as hoping to challenge the Green influence in inner city Sydney Melbourne and Brisbane.

Who can bash Israel the most in the name of being perpetually outraged

Shameless, gutless and unprincipled shysters

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Absolutely spot on James. Exactly what I scream at radio and tv each time this little twerp expressed his ‘outrage’. Well Ive been outraged since October when Hamas attacked Israel. I’m outraged that our government is too gutless to express support for Israel and to call out the disgusting antisemitism thats now rife. Albanese is delirious with this opportunity that’s fallen into his lap. Same with Wong. Talk about using the victim for their own political means.

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They are political opportunists without principle and character - both of them.

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Well said. I didn't think that Albanese could sink any lower in my estimation. He has now plumbed long-forgotten depths of contempt. He is down there with another traitorous politician - the unlamented Jim Cairns.

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Everything you have written here James is almost identical to my immediate thoughts when I heard Albo and Wong speak their latest rubbish. By saying that “Australians are outraged” it gives the impression that all Australians are in concert with these two who once again, have failed to honestly represent all.

Their pretend outrage can only be seen as vote catching aimed at the Muslim community and those misguided cretins who have forgotten the atrocities of October 7.

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Exactly right mate, well expressed and right on the button. Labour have shown time and again they prefer a murderous Islamic autocracy over a democracy, the mongrels.

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Netanyahu aide " Prime Minister, P M of Australia on line 1, demands to speak to you"

Netanyahu " Oh dear, is he really angry? Maye I should talk to this prominent upstanding pillar of decency and honesty.

Shalom Albo, been telling the truth lately and still funding the terrorists in unreasonable?"

Albo " Listen up Bibi, I'm outraged, Penny Wonka is apoplectic and all us fair dinkum Aussies are ropeable at this outrageous wartime accident.

You need to pull your horns in and stop picking on them poor Palestinian friends of mine or else"

Netanyahu " yeah elbo I hear you loud n clear, I'll try call you back when I'm finished with Hamas and ask you to clarify if you really got 30% of the popular vote and besides I need to cut my toe nails.

Where did elbo go, did he hang up? Maybe he was in a Comm car?"

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LOL, funny, but sadly accurate

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So want to see a change of government!

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can't come soon enough!

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I agree whole heartedly, James. Snap shot videos of the young Albanese proclaiming the virtues of Palestine, the nation that doesn't exist, in such demonstrative passion, are now coming out in his older man. It was too hard for him to bite the bullet when Hamas raided, raped and kidnapped innocent humans on 7th October last, so a muttered text book political response was begrudgingly spoken on behalf of the 'civilised' world. However, this unfortunate incident, has chuffed him once again as he, now from a much more taller pedestal, can shake his clenched anti-Israel fist in self righteousness. I think if given a smaller and less public profile, he may have burst into singing the national anthem of Palestine."from the river....."!

Penny is Wong, no matter what she says and does!

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Yes and amen.

The real outrage is that the current Australian government is turning our nation against Israel. Our leaders used to know the truth about Israel, but not anymore.

I still #standwithIsrael 🇮🇱

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Me also Alison....ooops I nearly said "me too"!!

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Outraged? You bet I am. I’m outraged at the lack of outrage expressed by Albanese and Wong on October 7. I’m outraged that they’re not outraged at the senseless mutilation of confused kids. I’m outraged at their total lack of outrage by the tragic consequences of their lack of oversight of the billions wasted on indigenous affairs. I am outraged over much these two Godless morons are not outraged over, but you get my point.

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With you 100%

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Were Albo & Wong 'outraged' when the three escaped hostages were shot by error - apparently mistaken for HAMAS gunmen in disguise - or did they even just shrug their shoulders?

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