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What a weak useless cowardly little weazle little Elmer Fudd is. He’s hell bent on destroying this country.

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Yea well he is trying to please both sides .to cover his arse ...when basically he is just a bloody coward and a hypocrite. Nothing worse than a bloke with no balls who wont stand up for what he really believes in...and what he believes in is keeping the most high powered job in the Country and collecting a nice big fat pension for life so he and Barbie can live off the tax payer's teat, when he finally steps down or looses the leadership to Shorten.

He is not the best speaker there is nothing Statesman about him and yet it's clear he has a high opinion of himself.(Cocky bastard) Again like the majority of Politicians he forgets he is our Servant not the other way around.

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As if we needed further evidence of how bad Albo is as a leader. Daily, he shows how incompetent he and his party is.

A true, gutsy leader would have rounded up all the Muslim leaders, following the disgusting behaviour of their community members at the Opera House on 9 October, and put them on notice of charges and possibly deportation unless they controlled their radical ways.

No surprise that the weak prick didn’t.

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In reference to your second paragraph, I think John Howard would have done just that, or something very similar. In any case, that would have been a normal, sensible response by a leader, to what happened on 9 Oct.

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Biden is doing the same. Taking out of both sides of their mouths.

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Apologies for posting the Yom HaShoah siren, folks. That's for Tuesday....will resend the Rabbi's report....

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It looks like I picked the wrong week to give up swearing. What snivelling, weak, two faced, vote buying, little ba$!@rd. No values, no principles and no effing idea.

I need a Bex and a nap.

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Gutless , snivelling wog is the most polite I can be describing that gutless maggot.A true decendant of Il Duce if ever there was one.

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Beautifully said! But forget the Bex. Have a B&D or a G&T…and these are not the times to give up swearing.😄

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How about this report with details by the Rabbi?


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Does Australia have ANY leadership? Albo kept sitting on the fence until public opinion of him pushed him over.

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Not while labor is there . (and please ,anybody spare me to praise any of the labor" leaders" from goofy to the wog ,they were all bloody useless oxygen thieves.)

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Were his lips moving? Yes? Well then, he’s lying.

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This man is a disgrace. He is spineless and gutless. A total joke. He’s just a UN/WEF/WHO puppet looking to cash in on being PM and cruise through life on the tax payer dime. If only the silent majority would start making some real noise and we could overthrow this traitors mob in parliament!

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On taking office, politicians should be given a hat to hold out and then live on what we put in there according to their merit.

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Initially, parliamentarians were unpaid, but it only appealed to the sheep farmers who had their own riches. But I think they are grossly overpaid these days. They should be on the basic wage and learn they are there to serve the people, not the other way around

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Besides their pay packets, they wallow in perks and lurks costing millions!

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All too true, James. Like a puppet on a string, he dances to whichever situation will not require his responses to be heard and commented on. Facing a Jewish group would be a lot safer than the mobs at uni campuses, the ones he says are not educated! Say that to the Professors of Woke, and I doubt his response of, "Hey I'm the PM and I ruin this country, not you!", would go unheeded.

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Windsock Albanese

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From a pilots point of view windsocks are useful, the wog on the other hand -------

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He’s so good behind closed doors,let’s close the door on him at the next election and get someone who stands up for what is right openly.

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Yeah it’s a shame we didn’t hear something positive from Albo, it’s almost though he’s afraid of taking any stand for fear it may cost him votes &/or popularity.

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Albo is a craven coward. Saying it twice helps.

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Forked tongued albo isn't fooling anyone - least of all our Jewish population. I hope the Australian has printed his "platitudes" in extra big print. Can't wait for the next election!! The only way I can pray over 1 Timothy 2:1 is to pray them out!!

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