Gr8 article sir and so true 😇👍

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On point !

All levels of Govt are in it. Tied together and drowning us all. How does $12billion pumped hydro scheme in North Queensland pay any dividend back to the govt AND give us cheaper power ? Qld s Energy and Jobs plan is confused reading of the tea leaves.

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Yes, power mad in many ways. The world is mad. These are dark times. This has never been, and never will be, a Utopia. This is a place, a loka if you will in the sanskrit sense, where unhappiness is the norm. Thus, it is a type of hell realm and we are here to learn how to be responsible to look and feel and act completely happy, no matter what the circumstance. This is something we always know how to do, but constantly forget, in favor of searching for happiness everywhere and in every possible way. Even though this search ALWAYS fails, we continue as a species not to learn this lesson. In short, this place cannot be fixed by us. We can only become responsible for our selves personally and collectively. May all be blessed!

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The poor will get poorer, the rich, richer …. All for the utopian climate change dream…. Little do they realise it’s a nightmare about to be unleashed

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Economically the solution to high prices has always been more supply.

Just allow more mining for coal, oil and gas and the supply will increase so that the prices will fall.

Supply v demand.

So simple I can still remember it from high school and these politicians must have missed out on economics classes, but is there no advisor in their staff that has some idea of economics?

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CO2 and methane combined make no difference to the climate.

The biggest greenhouse system in our world was made by the Creator to moderate our planet that is blue from space due to the world being 80% covered by water.

When the air gets too hot, due to the sun's varying sun spot activity, the water absorbs the energy and that causes evaporation along with winds.

The evaporated water forms clouds that reflect the sun and cool the surface.

When the air is cool enough the clouds turn into rain that releases heat into the air again along with clear skies that allows more heat to the surface.

This is earth's automatic air conditioning system that has been keeping the climate suitable for human existence since the 6th day of Creation when man was made. (Genesis 1: 31) "God saw all that He had made, and behold it was very good."

Everything was then running automatically, as He had designed it to, and so He rested on the 7th day.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

I like passion fruit yoghurt too.

We have to keep a few things that don’t drive us insane.

Can we talk about Smart Cities?

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James You talk far too much sense.

These Knights of the round table at Albos talkfests are such LOSERS!

Stevie Wonder could see this is madness , WE need COAL!! We are living in post-war conditions currently..We are governed by UNIONS, GAYS, INDIGENOUS..


I think the Knights blew their brains out with their DAD's early morning GAS!!

HOW much is all the extra playdates in Canberra costing US??? To deliver NOTHING, this mob are NOT capable of delivering anything.

OUR COUNTRY is shot to pieces!!

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I think they’re just mad.But while they’re fixing things to a reasonable price, how about their wages as a starting point ? If it’s not broken ie cheap reliable power, then don’t fix it.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Unfortunately we are all going to suffer with higher power prices at the hands of a few fake environmentalists

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Too sad for our nation, James. The lucky country that lucked out with hopeless policies that squandered our opportunities to live with power security. I am wondering how long it will take for the Labor,green,teal brigade to blame some other illogical reason why we are living like mushrooms - in the dark, and fed BS

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Thank you James for once again giving us common sense!!

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Albo thinks he can charge an electric car overnight with solar panels. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It doesn’t bode well for the future of our beloved Australia with him at the helm and an idiot as a speech writer.

I feel privileged and blessed to have grown up in such a wonderful country and it will be very sad to see it disappear before our eyes.

Deliberately destroying our future couldn’t have been what anyone really voted for, although it’s difficult to see how asleep the average Aussie is.

Keep up the great work James!

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Well said James

The London Telegraph reported this week that the UK will approve the country's "first deep coal mine in more than 30 years after conceding that new green technologies are unlikely to replace the fossil fuel’s role in steel-making for many years."

Always amusing how our media loves to contrast Australia's actions with that of other countries when it suits them.

The often heard, "we are being left behind", "we are the laughing stock" might ring true, only not the way our left wing media or our governments would have you believe.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Many a true word said in jest; If you're not part of the solution, you're probably the Prime Minister.

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I am wondering if the people we put in Government , as a whole I mean, not personally, are all Aspergers or something. They seem unable to reason logically and see the end result of their decisions. Surely, when we are all searching for firewood to cook on out in the open, our carbon emissions will be higher than they are now. They are sending us into the dark ages. James I love the way you write and bring the truth out

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