Digress away James, digress away! 🤣

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Thank you James.

Boycott any shopping centre who dares to do this !! I really thought the Rainbow Poppy release last week , on Remembrance Day was as low as the mob could go . How wrong was I ?

That darn YES vote keeps on keeping on .

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GOD really got it so wrong, these fools can breed!!

No words.

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Hi James, regrettably these type of situations appear to be getting more prolific as more and more traditional values are being trashed by any and every self interested minority group. On the brighter side, I believe that most people would find this type of behaviour revolting and denigrating of the true message of Christmas. Like with most values people hold, it is only in situations like "When Wokery Meets Reality" that true values really surface. The true test of values is when it directly affects our person, family, closest friends, etc. as opposed to a third party we have no relationship with. However, the herd mentality is being promulgated by many of our populist leaders who are determined to 'stay relevant' regardless of the values that might get trashed and the frenzied media who are desperate for a story before their silent enemy 'social media' gets in first. How sad and how far society has fallen from true leadership being consistently represented within families, community and business leaders and our parliaments. Oh how we need, as a society, to understand the true meaning of Christmas!

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A great article James & so true!... I would call it the hijacking of Christmas away from the fundamental christian message & towards a fringe edge group - so sad!

Yes, let's see what the muslim reaction will be if the alphabet soup crowd try to get involved & try to steer the message towards themselves when Ramadan comes around........

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Excellent piece James

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Thanks James for speaking out.

This is all so disturbingly blasphemous. Australia is indeed in serious trouble!

Come Lord Jesus!

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Simple solution, have a more traditional non political Santa and the "break the mould" (pity there wasn't a spelling distinction between a fungas and a casting mould) and see who gets the most patronage...!

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Makes me wonder if they really believed their own lie, put forth when legislation was rallied to be changed, that all they wanted to do was to be able to marry eachother, and wanted to do nothing more' etc.

So many were duped into believing the lie that they spun! 😥

People who could see through the inevitable consequences, and dangers, were accused of being conspiracy fruit loops who wore tin foil hats.

Well the web that was spun, is spinning out of control now and tying itself in knots.

And sadly, the accused conspiracy theorists, who sincerely hoped they would be wrong, it seems are daily being proven 100% correct in their discernment of what would happen!

Am looking forward to hearing the snap, when the pendulum swings back into balance once again, and logic, reason and common sense resumes their rightful place.

We can only hope and pray!

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Good point-the new colonials-identity imperialists colonialising our minds and then our bodies-with all the superior musket weaponry of the day

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Brilliant writing, James! And with that unique JM brand humour, just classic!

The alphabet people, or as my brother politically incorrectly calls them the hamburger people - the BLTC etc hamburger...but I digress :)), seriously and relentlessly crave attention and affirmation ad nauseam from us grown-ups. Just like spoilt children. I'm over hearing about how badly done by they all are.

And as you said, to be really inclusive, they should give Mohammed the same fair go they are giving Jesus...hmmm, hijacking the Koran is probably not the smartest way to keep breathing.

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Never really thought that Satan Claus represented the true spirit of Christmas anyway. Ooops, did I spell his name wrong?

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Though it is repulsive at it's core, none of this should come as a surprise to us as Christians. Through these wicked, 'inclusive' schemes, they seek to exclude Jesus Christ. This is, first and foremost, their ultimate plan.

"He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not." Isaiah 53:3

“And if the world hates you, know that it hated me before you.” ... "If the people of this world hate you, just remember that they hated me first." John 15:18

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Amen! James my heart breaks for broken humanity 💔 I used to think the coming Apocalypse was harsh, but seriously, how blasphemous our world has become. Good point about an inclusive Ramadan. Yeah. Right!

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There are no children produced by Sodomy or Lesbianism and so Santa only has adults on his seat in this picture.

If people want to be accepted then they need to act acceptably.

You can't force people to change what God has said because you don't like it.

"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.

Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God." (1 Corinthians 6: 9-11)

If they are given the ability to repent from their sins then they are washed, sanctified and justified in His name and in the Holy Spirit. There is no need to change God, they need to change if they want acceptance.

Those who want to add or take away His words to us will have the plagues of the book added to them or they will have their part in the tree of life and the holy city taken away from them. (Revelation 22: 18-19).

If they want to buy an island for each different LGBT group somewhere and make it a place where they can all live together in peace and acceptance then I would let them and not miss them at all. In one generation those islands would be vacant again as they have no ability to reproduce. They could still have their own Santa every Summer solstice and worship their own gods.

I don't force them to like me or my views, that I have a right to as a sovereign person, so why should they try to force their ideas on us?

In my view Yeshua was not born on the 25th of December as the sun god worshiping Romans declared. That was the birth of the sun god (winter solstice in the north at that time). They wanted Christians to believe Yeshua was the sun god. Everyone worshiping the same god, just different names. Peace on earth would then be possible and persecution of Christians could end.

Nice plan, but totally unbiblical. The bible does not give a date or a picture of His face or form, but it does say, "He has no stately form or majesty That we should look upon Him, Nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him." (Isaiah 53:2) That does not sound like a description of the Roman idols we see today, but they do look exactly like their sun gods "Sol Indiges", "Mithras" and "Apollo".

Looks like Paganism never went away and to we can still find it with the Romans.

Of course Saint Nicholas is a much later story, but he was inspired by their sun god's birthday.

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Great article James

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