Cruise ships all equipped with 5G. Radiation poisoning

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

Dr Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR said that PCR wasn't a test at all. Back in the AIDs 'pandemic' he said that his invention was being abused to give false high positives. And now one has to ask if most of these people 'testing' positive for Covid are actually positive? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwstN_lmum8

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

Me too James. So over all this nonsense. I hated that -"This is way you show love" garbage. Said in my church too. Such a con.

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Spot on James. I 100% agree with everything you said.

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I just pray that I don’t happen to encounter either Hazzard or Berejiklian walking past me in the street someday. I would have to make an instant decision as to whether the future welfare of my family would overshadow my desire to send either one to meet their maker.

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Another cruise another Christmas another shock story of COVID being allowed to enter our country and the TV and radio have gone ballistic and the government have ramped up the scare tactics...I wonder is it more about government control and media sensationalism we’ve seen this script before. I am resting and staying with my family and friends trusting God and voting against government tyranny and dodging the triggered lifestyle which keeps you in a state of constant distress and concern...and standing up for truth where I can.. stay with the One who has perfect love which casts out all fear..I am not going down the COVID rabbit hole again!

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Thank you James! I want to copy and a paste this to absolutely everyone!!! This vaccine will go down in history as the biggest joke. Slowly slowly the bedwetters will come around

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Faucci and his cronies had to make other proven and safe medicines illegal such as Ivermectin so they could push through emergency legislation for the Phizer and other vaccines, these crimes against humanity will eventually come to light.

Bill Gates is one of the biggest donors to the WHO and has significant influence over that organisation.

He has been running some horrible vaccine experiments on vulnerable people in 3rd world countries, these programs take funding away from basic necessities such as clean drinking water and proper nutrition.

Read RFK, s book you will be horrified.

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I am frightened for the teenagers that were forced to take the Mrna vaccines so they could return to school, their immune systems are so robust that it was of no use but the rate of adverse vaccine injuries has been alarming in healthy young people.

I was able to avoid the Mrna vaccination and continue working in my job for the 2 years of lockdown, I recieved 2 Sinovac and 1 Astra Zeneca fortunately without any side affects.

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I hope everybody is reading Robert F Kennedy,s

best selling book called,

The Real Anthony Faucci.

This exposes the corruption and lies by Faucci Bill Gates and Big Pharma in regard to Covid.

Large media organisations also went a long way to help with covering up the truth, Google and Facebook took down relevant information that did not suit their agenda.

Mainstream media would not risk their advertising revenue with big pharma to tell the truth. Out politicians followed along like zombies.

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They can't call you "anti-vaxx" unless they have a vaccine.

This is an experimental unapproved mRNA gene therapy that changes your DNA to produce the deadly spike protein part of the "virus" (if there ever was such a thing.)

I thought most people knew that if a politician is speaking then you know they are lying.

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Dead right James. Just tested negative today for first time this week. The pulpit of truth was bollocks. My mate who was with me last week when I caught this bloody cold was not as jabbed as me and he never caught it at all. Yep Jabcinda, Dictator Dan, the Anus with Lipstick, etc etc dead losses the lot of them but very dangerous all the same.

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Bingo! Scariest part is there remain any let alone so many blindly devoted followers ready to go again through the entire unbelievable process and still trust absolutely the absolutely corrupt.

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Will they ever apologise?

Will they ever be man enough to say look I’m sorry I was wrong and any punishment my way is deserved!

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The AWAKENING has begun, let the curtain fall and the real truth be told. Millions will perish not from covid but the genetic experiment. The people or should i say animals who enforced their will upon all the vaccinated should pay the price for their evil and truly be punished and none left to sweep it under the carpet. ALL FROM OUR BUREAUCRATS OUR MEDIA AND OUTSPOKEN PERSONALITIES WHO ARE ALL COMPLICIT IN THE MOST MALEVOLENT EVENT IN OUR HISTORY.

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Does anyone ever think covid change, climate change? They can’t get their facts straight about what Covid really is so they invent new strains just like the ice age had global warming and climate change. So I guess no one knows what covid really is. And the letters from NSW health and Vic health saying they had nothing on record for the existence of covid. Ive also read some people saying that COVID may stand for Certificate Of Vaccination Identification.

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