The headline accompanying this picture read …
“Woman convicted of historic offences against children in Sussex.”
Dozens of media outlets reported the story in the same way this month. Even the Sussex police reported it this way on their website.
The ‘woman’ in question, Sally Ann Dixon, was sentenced on September 8 to 20 years jail for sexually abusing seven children - five girls and two boys.
The youngest of Dixon’s victims was just seven years old.
The prosecution described Dixon as …
“ … a brazen and callous sexual predator” who “exploited young males and cultivated a toxic relationship with female children” who were then systematically abused throughout their childhoods”.
Is it just me? Or have women been busy with the crimes typically associated with men recently? I wish I could put my finger on exactly why that is.
But you already know what’s going on, don’t you. Because you have eyes.
Let’s be honest, Dixon is not the prettiest looking lass you’ve ever seen.
But there’s something else that instinctively made you go “huh?”.
News that a woman had been grooming young children and sexually abusing them in a caravan just sounds a bit, well, if we’re being brutally honest here, it sounds a bit like something a man would do.
Bingo! Your eyes and your spidey senses are working!
About midway through every news article on Dixon’s offending we read …
“At the time of the offences, Dixon was John Stephen Dixon, who transitioned to female in 2004 - after the period during which the offences took place.”
Insert Austin Powers gif here …
So then, are the crimes recorded against a woman? Or against a man?
Surely they cannot be recorded against a woman since that would make crime statistics pointless. It wasn’t a woman abusing those kids, it was a man.
Why should women have a man’s sexual offending recorded against them? And yet they do.
Furthermore, are we agreeing that a man committed crimes for which a woman will be jailed? Evidently, since Dixon was sent to a women’s prison.
Insert George Orwell quote here …
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” (If you haven’t read 1984 you really must!)
Insert lengthy but brilliant Theodore Dalrymple quote here …
In my studies of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.
When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity.
To assent to obvious lies is some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A variety of emasculated liars is easy to control.
I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
Sally Dixon is a man. Shame on the media for lying.
Shame on the Sussex police for lying.
And shame on all the do-gooders for lying.
What makes this person a woman? I mean, besides that he claims to be a woman?
Doesn’t anyone find it curious that the media will print lies for no other reason than that a man told them to?
Insert poignant Alexander Solzhenitsyn quote here …
We know they are lying.
They know they are lying.
They know that we know that they are lying.
We know that they know that we know that they are lying.
And still they continue to lie.
Insert Simpson’s gif here …
Incidentally, it’s interesting that it’s a “woman” when he is perpetrator but it’s a “trans woman” when he is the victim.
Insert relevant Sponge Bob Square Pants meme here …
Insert JK Rowling quote here …
War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.
The Penised Individual Who Raped You Is a Woman.
If we don’t call this out - every single time - it will become normal and our children will think nothing of it.
Oh Lord help us. Help us all.
This is so very profound and very disturbing. We are asked everyday to accept lies as the truth. Thanks for calling this out and making us think.