What Excites the Queensland Premier ...
Steven Miles celebrates the killing of babies in the womb
Why do lefties get so excited about abortion?
I remember Tony Abbott once saying that abortion should be “safe, legal and rare”.
Queensland Premier Steven ‘Giggles’ Miles, on the other hand, loves abortion. Imagine being enthused about ensuring that - wherever you go in this country - babies can be killed in the womb.
A society that rejects God ends up in some very strange places.
And a society in which even church leaders dare not address such issues for fear of being ‘divisive’ ends up with the leadership it deserves.
Given over to reprobate minds, these degenerates epitomise what it means to have a seared conscience.
Imagine being happy that unborn babies can be legally mutilated in the womb.
Sadly we are living in a culture of death. Killing of precious little lives in the womb and Euthanasia which is a very slippery slope, when legislated. Soon enough a person of any age, any health issue can avail themselves of this insidious, evil practice. ( The Netherlands is an example.)