Well it’s December 20th … and we have our Christmas turkey.
The Victorian Liberal Leader – and I use the word ‘leader’ in the loosest possible sense – used his casting vote this morning to keep Moira Deeming out of the Liberal Partyroom.
What a fool.
He could have embraced the spirit of Christmas and welcomed her back to the table.
But that would have required humility.
And the man who would be Premier seems to have none of that - which should disqualify him from ever being Premier.
Let’s recap the saga for those of you up the back …
John Pesutto defamed Moira Deeming as a Nazi because he was embarrassed about her stance against trans ideology.
Can’t have a woman defending women’s rights. What will the woke say? And besides, what IS a woman?
Pesutto sure knew what a NAZI was, though.
And so he had Moria Deeming expelled from the Liberal Partyroom for being a Nazi sympathiser.
He put together an entire dossier of lies in a bid to prove the point.
Well, Moira Deeming didn’t take too kindly to being called a Nazi. Mainly, because she wasn’t one.
She offered to settle the matter out of court. But John Pesutto refused. He figured Moria Deeming would, just go away.
See? He really DOESN’T know what a woman is.
Moira Deeming, a rare Victorian Liberal in that she has principles and isn’t prepared to sell them, took John Pesutto to court.
The judge found that Pesutto’s claims about Deeming were a bigger joke than the Victorian budget. And, as everyone in Victoria knows, that’s saying something.
It was at that moment that a man would have conceded the point. A man would have admitted he was wrong. A man would have said sorry.
But what is a man?
I don’t think the Liberal leader knows the answer to that one, either.
Pesutto, whose stature as an alternative leader can only be understood in terms of shrinkflation, chose to stand outside the Victorian Supreme Court and boast about what a fighter he was.
It was a curious boast.
He was a fighter alright. A dirty fighter who had picked a fight with a woman - only to succeed in giving HIMSELF two black eyes.
Who would seriously want this man in their corner?
Well, as it turns out, the suicidally stupid, unprincipled and gutless Victorian Liberal Party, that’s who.
But hey, it’s Christmas … a time of year when peace and goodwill floods the land. A season in which even the most dysfunctional families come together in the Christian spirit of love and forgiveness.
But in proof the Victorian Liberals are so stupid they don’t even know what time of year it is, they’ve chosen Christmas to CRUCIFY Moria Deeming … and all over again.
They voted today to keep her out of the Partyroom, with John Pesutto casting the deciding vote when the ballot was tied. Which means he voted twice to keep her in exile.
‘Ho, ho, ho’
Pesutto reminds me of King Herod on that first Christmas who, in a mindless violent rage, sought to kill every rival to his throne only to ensure the demise of his own.
Imagine if Pesutto had woken up as a man this morning.
Imagine if he had been man-enough to front the Partyroom and insist that Deeming should be welcomed back, and given the shadow women’s ministry portfolio.
That would have been a show of strength, and could have salvaged his leadership.
But manoeuvring to keep her on the outer, after everything that’s happened, well that’s weaker than a half strength decaf latte made from skim milk.
And the Victorian Liberals are delusional if they think anyone is swallowing that.
Not a Wise Man amongst them.
Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott tweeted …
“A shameful result from the Victorian Liberal party room. How can someone elected as a Liberal be expelled on the basis of a lie and not be readmitted once the truth is there for all to see? Especially right before Christmas, the season of goodwill, this is a truly contemptible failure to act with honour and decency”
Deeming was accused, bullied, defamed, and banished.
Then she proved in a court of law that the entire thing was baloney.
And yet - knowing full well that Deeming was expelled from the partyroom on the basis of a lie - the Victorian Liberals voted to uphold the expulsion.
On that first Christmas, Mary found no room at the Bethlehem Inn.
And this Christmas, Moria found no room at the Liberal Partyroom.
There’s a lot of things in life that are difficult to understand.
But I’m telling you, this Christmas, the Virgin Birth is easier to understand than the Victorian Liberals.
Moria Deeming released a statement today, saying …
“I was elected a Liberal and I remain a proud Liberal member; and I know that with their continuing support, I will get the apology that’s owed to me and that it is only a matter of time before I return to the party room.”
John Pesutto however - who’s not the messiah, he’s just a very naughty boy - insisted today that the entire matter was over.
The fact that he had to say three times that the entire matter was over is proof that the entire matter is far from over.
The sooner a decent winnable leader is elected the better, otherwise the Labor party will remain as the Victorian govt for yet another 3 years. The way she had been treated is appalling.
How lucky can the Victorian Labor party be? There really is a Santa Claus as far as Jacinta is concerned. Stupidity within the state liberal party is a gift that keeps on giving