Terrorist group Hamas continues to hold 96 Israelis hostage.
That’s pretty much all you need to know about the Gaza conflict.
It’s not a complicated situation requiring the intellectual might of Penny Wong, or the political cunning of Anthony Albanese, or the deft touch of Tony Burke.
It’s simple.
When the terrorists release all the hostages and surrender, the conflict ends.
But - what about negotiations?
Well, you don’t negotiate with terrorists. I mean, unless you want more terrorism.
The way I see it, Hamas forfeited the right to be spoken to as equals when they raped and slaughtered 1200 Israelis before boasting about it on social media.
Am I missing something?
But, what about CIVILIAN casualties?
Well, no-one wants civilian casualties.
But the tragedy of women and children caught in the crossfire is entirely a matter for Hamas – they’re the ones, after all, putting women and children in harm’s way.
And, like I said, the moment Hamas release the hostages, the civilian casualties stop.
Can you SEE the common denominator here? Hamas!
Our government should have a single, simple message on the Gazan conflict – not for our ally Israel, but for the terrorists.
Release the hostages. Until you do that – there’s nothing to talk about.
Our foreign minister Penny Wong talks about EVERYTHING else, with the hostages as an afterthought.
She was in Brussels last night promising that Australian taxpayers would help to finance the rebuilding of Gaza as soon as a ceasefire was agreed.
She told journalists …
“A ceasefire would also enable the return of the hostages who are still being held by Hamas a year after the horrific attacks.”
Does she even listen to herself? How has her moral compass gone so far askew?
The failure to release HOSTAGES is the greatest impediment to a ceasefire. Not vice versa.
When Wong says “a ceasefire would ALSO enable the return of Israeli hostages” she makes it clear that the Australian Government sees the release of hostages as a bonus rather than primary objective.
As usual the Albanese Government has things completely backwards.
It should be that the return of the hostages that enables a ceasefire, not the other way around.
And before I get to the obscene suggestion that Australian taxpayers should be putting up money for a Gaza rebuild – one more word about the ceasefire Wong and other technocrats are proposing from the comfort of their boardrooms in Brussels.
Their proposed ceasefire would come into effect after Hamas release half the hostages. And it would require Israel to release hundreds of imprisoned Palestinian terrorists back into Gaza.
Tell me how that assists peace?
Is Penny Wong really that ignorant – maybe she is – that she doesn’t know remember the architect of the October 7 attacks, Yahya Sinwar, was himself one of 1047 terrorists released in exchange for a single Jewish hostage back in 2011.
Released Jewish hostages go back to their families. Released terrorists go back to killing Jews.
That’s not conjecture. That’s how we arrived at October 7!
And Penny Wong is all – rinse and repeat!
But her latest big idea, announced last night, was for you and I to stump up money to rebuild Gaza.
You couldn’t make this up.
There’s a housing crisis in Australia, and Penny Wong’s big idea is money for Hamas homes.
Gaza was destroyed because Hamas attacked Israel under the command of Iran. Let Iran pick up the tab.
Or how about Australia provides some aid to Israel - our ally and the only liberal democracy in the Middle East - who have spent the past 15 months fighting terrorists on every side?
Why is Penny Wong contemplating money for terrorists on the other wide of the world when Vanuatu has just suffered a devastating earthquake. And as a bonus when considering aid for Vanuatu – they’re not holding Jews as hostages.
Oh wait. I forgot. That doesn’t seem to be a disqualifier, does it.
To even CONTEMPLATE money for Gaza while Hamas hold even one Israeli hostage is completely obscene.
And of COURSE there is a direct link between Penny Wong’s international grand standing and the rise of anti-Semitism here in Australia.
Our government has zero moral authority tut-tutting protestors waving terrorist flags outside Jewish Synagogues - when they themselves are publicly fantasising about funding the rebuild of what is a terrorist camp.
If the Albanese don’t understand that, and they evidently don’t – then they’re worse than wrong, they are dangerous.
Release the hostages. Then we’ll talk. Until, then there’s nothing to talk about and Israel enjoys our full support.
Sure, there’d be a huge out cry from the usual suspects, but within short time a fully isolated Hamas would realise the game was up and come to heel – or be obliterated by the IDF.
Their choice.
And the rabble rousers here would also get the message - loud and clear – we don’t muck around with terrorist sympathisers, and we don’t put up with anti-Semitism.
This is Australia. We call a spade a bloody shovel and we don’t tolerate fools.
If you don’t like it – you’ll find people more to your liking in Brussels.
Which I guess is why Penny Wong is there. Maybe she should stay there.
The W O R S T foreign minister in
Australia’s history.
Great article James, pity Penny won't get to read it.
Penny might be angling for the Nobel Peace Prize, and or the next UN secretary general. In her mind , well I can't comment as to whats in her mind as there doesn't seem to be anything rational there. Whatever it is she's in a world of her own