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The PM has a glass jaw made of fine crystal …
It’s not going to be long before it shatters, the way he keeps snapping at the press. And the election hasn’t even been called yet.
Yesterday in Queensland he got upset with a reporter who dared to ask why Labor had stolen a slogan - Build Back Better - from Joe Biden’s US campaign.
The PM wrongly claimed they had not and scolded the reporter for asking questions provided by the LNP.
Today the PM told a journalist “you get to ask the questions, I get to answer them, that’s the way it works” when asked about his failure to deliver a promised $275 power bill reduction.
Albanese and his ministers promised 97 times prior to the last election that their policies would result in a $275 power bill reduction by 2025.
Instead, power bills have gone through the roof.
When asked if he would now concede that the pre-election promise was a dud, Albanese said he had given $300 in power bill relief.
But when the reporter tried to point out that relief was very different to a real reduction in cost, Albanese grew tetchy.
“You get to ask the questions, I get to answer them, that’s the way it works”
This, from a Prime Minister, who also promised responsible, transparent, accountable government.
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The Prime Minister has announced $7b extra funding to fix the Bruce Highway because it’s the country’s most dangerous piece of road and the massive upgrade will “save lives” …
Why did he wait until the start of 2025 to make the announcement?
He’s been PM almost three years. Was saving lives not important last year?
As Leisa Goddard pointed out on Sky last night, 41 people died on the Bruce Highway last year. Where was Albanese?
Where was he in 2022?
As Albanese noted today, the dire state of the Bruce Hwy has been known since he was Infrastructure Minister back in the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd Governments.
Is the Bruce Hwy upgrade about saving lives or about saving the Albanese Government? I suspect it will do one, but not the other.
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The Ice Hockey World Championship will no longer be held in Melbourne over fears that police cannot guarantee the safety of Jewish competitors …
It begs the question, who controls the streets of Melbourne? It’s not the Government. It’s not the police. And it’s certainly not the majority of taxpaying citizens.
What a sad indictment on the state of Victoria and, indeed, on what Labor Governments have allowed modern Australia to become.
I note that PM Anthony Albanese described the decision to can the event as “unfortunate”. An apt summary of his prime ministership.
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I’ve said it once
I’ve said it a thousand times. Hamas would have released all the Israeli hostages long ago had the free world backed Israel to do whatever was necessary to get them home.
Instead, leaders of the free world put pressure on Israel to show restraint, agree to a ceasefire, guarantee a two state solution.
Rather than demanding the terrorists release the hostages immediately, leaders of the free world accused Israel of not doing enough to bring about a solution.
And now US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has told the New York Times that the main reason Hamas have not released all the hostages was because they haven’t needed to.
He said Hamas realised long ago that the world was putting pressure on Israel to make concessions without hostages being released - therefore, the hostages could be retained for later use.
From day one - following the execution, torture, rapes, and kidnapping of Israeli civilians, democratic states should have been unanimous in supporting Israel’s efforts to free all hostages and bring Hamas terrorists to account.
The failure of Joe Biden, and indeed our own Penny Wong, to fully support Israel in its existential fight against terrorism has caused so much damage and so many casualties.
They should be forever condemned.
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It’s true, as reported, that McDonalds have just ditched all of their in-house Diversity, Equity and Inclusion goals …
Kamala Harris will never be able to work there again!
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The Biden Administration just released 11 Yemeni terrorists, all former al-Qaeda members, from Guantánamo Bay …
I sure hope Biden made them pinky promise never to go full Allah Akbar ever again.
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Attorney General Mark Dreyfus is heading to Israel in a bid to patch up relations with the Israeli Government …
It’s too little too late. Moreover, what a cynical exercise - just a couple of months before a federal election at which the government’s betrayal of our Middle East ally will be an issue.
The biggest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust occurred 15 months ago … and only now does the government decide they should probably send a representative? (Penny Wong was in Israel after the attack but was famously too busy to visit the site)
If Albanese thinks sending Dreyfus to Israel for a week will cause people to forgot how much damage his government’s anti-Israel rhetoric, let alone policies, have done then he is delusional.
And yes, he is delusional.
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You wondered whether or not there are any adults in Queensland Labor …
Shannon Fentiman’s call for the Police Minister to resign should convince you there are not.
Fentiman, who many consider to be the next Labor leader, called for the LNP Police Minister to be sacked after stats should youth crime continues to surge three weeks after the Government introduced it’s Adult Crime / Adult Time laws.
She told The Courier Mail …
“Is he going to sack his Police Minister? Because he said he would sack ministers that didn’t perform,” she said.
“He made a huge song and dance about having KPIs to ministers and underperforming ministers getting sacked.
“His own Police Minister makes a statement that says crime will be down and it’s not.”
After three weeks? Is she serious?
Latest data shows Queensland police arrested 227 young people on 484 charges since December 12.
Now it’s up to the courts to enforce the harsh penalties proposed under the LNP’s laws.
But to the point, Labor spent nine years in government overseeing a massive surge in youth crime, after weakening a host of laws, and now expect the government to clean it up in less than a month.
These people are not serious people, and nor do they take the role of government seriously or the safety of Queenslanders seriously.
They are play acting for their own amusement and their own aggrandisement. Meanwhile, Queenslanders should remember to lock their doors at night.
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Bendigo Bank are looking to shed customers in 2025 …
They are off to a brilliant start, announcing customers will be hit with a $2.50 fee to withdraw their own money.
They’re calling it a “staff assisted service fee” and it applies to over the counter branch transactions.
The rest of us call it highway robbery. But that’s only because the rest of us aren’t criminals or spin merchants, but I repeat myself.
Bendigo Bank’s move came just weeks after the CBA announced a “pause” on their plan to introduce a $3 fee.
Oh, and for perspective, Bendigo Bank made a $562m cash profit last year.
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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is right when he says “My friends, as you all know, I am a fighter” …
I couldn’t help but laugh when, in the very next breath, he announced, “I intend to resign”.
What a laugh these woke leaders are. It’s always about themselves. It’s always about the spin. And it’s all always fantastic entertainment.
What Trudeau has done to Canada, however, is no laughing matter.
He didn’t just destroy Canada economically. He destroyed Canada socially and spiritually.
Trudeau ran his country as if it were a post national state, bereft of core values.
He instituted degeneracy by instituting a PRIDE season - not a day, or a month, but a season.
He permitted pornographic reading materials to elementary schools.
He perpetuated a false history - the Kamloops mass grave hoax - that demonised Catholics and led to churches being burned down.
On top of it all, he oversaw a massive influx of people into Canada who are told by their religious texts to violently subjugate unbelievers.
No doubt Trudeau will end up working alongside Jacinda Ardern at some globalist organisation. A match made in woke heaven.
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You are looking for evidence as to why America is so divided
You can’t do better than watch The View on US network ABC.
Today Sunny Hostin said it was vital that people used “moral clarity” to assess what happened at the US Capitol building on January 6 in 2021.
Next minute, she said …
(Trigger warning: moral confusion incoming)
"January 6 was one of the worst moments in American history, like World War Two, the Holocaust and slavery.”
The studio audience applauded as Hostin’s co-hosts nodded in furious agreement.
Five people died at the Capitol Building on January 6 - one was shot by Capitol Police, another died of a drug overdose, and three died of natural causes.
Six million Jews were gassed to death in the Holocaust.
Moral clarity is certainly needed, but you will never find it on the left.
Incidentally, The View is so bad, it’s almost impressive just how horrendous it is!
Watch the View? Putting joy needles in my eyes would be more preferable.
Dreyfus to repair relations with Israel? No hope.
Brilliant reporting James. Thank you once again for your clarity when it comes to moral issues. The world is in a sad state of affairs, but we can still rest assured that our God reigns and that our God is Omnipotent.