Canadian academics reckon homeless people should be given access to euthanasia. And 1 in 4 Canadians agree.
Heartbreaking. For people in Queensland, I’ll be on Vision Radio’s Twenty20 program just after 10am today to talk about this.
Canadian academics reckon homeless people should be given access to euthanasia. And 1 in 4 Canadians agree.
Heartbreaking. For people in Queensland, I’ll be on Vision Radio’s Twenty20 program just after 10am today to talk about this.
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It would seem Canada is the Western leader in terminating human life. Now both eugenics and euthanasia, either way, life ended before birth or after birth, to save the health care budget.
People who have no faith or believe in the sanctity of human life are easy prey. Such evil!!
The death cult knows no bounds. They couldn’t reduce the population enough with covid and killing babies. So now instead we f keeping granny alive they want to kill her and anyone else who is inconveniently alive... Although the vaccines seem to be doing a number too with the excess deaths across the western world.