Peter Dutton has already won the argument over nuclear power.
How do I know?
Because Labor has just GONE nuclear - with the mother-of-all scare campaigns.
It’s fear mongering so patently absurd, that it can only mean one thing.
Chris Bowen doesn’t have a single, reasonable argument against nuclear power.
He’s got nothing. I mean, apart from … the boogey man.
Labor is warning that if Peter Dutton is allowed to power our country with nuclear reactors – he’s going to unleash cancers, heart-attacks and strokes on the Australian population.
Labor’s latest attack on the Coalition’s nuclear plan is a video featuring Melbourne GP Margaret Beavis.
It was posted on Labor’s official Instagram account yesterday.
She says:
“It’s very clear that working with radiation has no safe limit. The more radiation you are exposed to, the greater your risk of cancer, heart attack, strokes.”
Hang on a second …
Labor is telling us that there is NO safe limit when working with radiation???
Um, hasn’t this Labor government agreed that our navy will have nuclear submarines?
And haven’t they sent our sailors to train on nuclear powered ships in the United States?
And haven’t Australian scientists been working at the Lucas Heights nuclear reactor in Sydney since 1958?
Oh, but NOW … now Peter Dutton wants to use nuclear power to fix up the mess Chris Bowen has made of our power grid, suddenly nuclear power is the stuff of nightmares.
Cancers. Heart attacks. Strokes.
Honestly, you’re more likely to die from laughing.
So who is this Dr Beavis that Labor has rolled out to warn us that the end is nigh under Dutton’s nuclear plan?
Well, wouldn’t you know it, she’s an anti-war activist and former Australian Greens candidate!
Here’s some more of Dr Beavis … meltdown. She says …
“We know childhood leukemia which is much easier to link to radiation is definitely increased, it’s more than doubled for families living within 5km and there’s good evidence to show that increased risk spreads out to within 50km from a nuclear power plant.”
Seriously. If the best Labor have is Beavis and Bowenhead, they might as well just volunteer to go into Opposition now.
When asked about Dr Beavis’ claims today, Chris Bowen refused to back away from them.
He said Dr Beavis was a medical doctor who had “expressed her view”.
Yeah … and you PUBLISHED her whacky view on the Labor Instagram account with a Labor endorsement attached.
So it’s more than just a “view”. This is what Chris Bowen is seriously arguing.
When pressed, Bowen had this to say:
“One of the reasons nuclear is so expensive is because the regulations to make it safe have to be so exhaustive.”
So it IS safe then!
And even with those “exhaustive expenses” to make it safe - it still comes in $264b cheaper than Bowen’s renewable mess, according to Frontier Economics. A claim that hasn’t been seriously disputed.
Dr Beavis’s claims that people living near a Dutton reactor have increased risk of cancer appear to be based on one study last year that epidemiologists said showed only that there was a very, very small risk.
About the same risk that the Greens will ever form government in their own right – but not nearly as deadly.
Do you remember when Labor won the 2022 election, Anthony Albanese assured the country we would have a government – and I quote - “run by adults”.
At which point his deputy Richard Marles, moon-lighting as a comedian, chimed in …
“This country is under new management. There's a serious group of people in charge.”
Oh yeah? And how’s that going?
A 3-eyed fish in a keffiyeh pretty much sums up Labor’s total policy platform these days.
And that’s not even a joke.
Remember this meme posted by Victorian Labor Premier Jacinta Allan warning that nuclear power would lead to three-eyed fish jumping out of the water in Gippsland.
I thought the dog on the pier with 18 eyes was a nice touch.
These are the same people who love to tell you: “Follow the science!”
Now we were all thinking at the time: “Is there a more juvenile politician in the country?”
At which point Employment Minister Andrew Leigh shouted “Pick me!”
His principled argument against Dutton’s nuclear plan was to post a picture of a three-eyed Koala
The caption read …
“Is this what Peter Dutton wants Blinky Bill to look like in 50 years?
Never mind that Blinky Bill has more chance of dying because his habitat has been destroyed to make way for a wind farm than he does of dying from radiation.
And besides, I reckon the Jewish community might prefer to take their chances with a three-eyed koala than with a two-faced Prime Minister.
But as always, no-one comes close to Energy Minister Chris Bowen if you’re searching for political inanity.
Remember when he posted a mock up of a Little Golden Book entitled … “Peter Dutton and the Seven Nuclear Reactors”
I’m not sure that gag worked out so well for Bowen.
Most people just assumed the Dwarfs - wasteful, leaky, dodgy, slow, clunky, risky and costly, were Labor frontbenchers.
That Labor continually reduces the debate on energy policy to kindergarten level is insulting to all Australians.
Do they really think we are that dumb? We did elect them.
But it’s worse than insulting - it’s frightening.
These people - posting three-eyed fish memes and screeching that nuclear power will cause people to have strokes - these same people are dictating our Middle East Policy, shaping our defence strategy and running the country’s finances.
Peter Dutton will win the next election because he’s the only adult in the room, the only one actually following the science, and the only one too busy working, to post ridiculous memes.
And as for Labor’s claim that nuclear power – used in 32 counties – will produce cancers, heart attacks and strokes …
You’re certainly more likely to have a heart attack opening one of Bowen’s electricity bills, than you are living near one of Dutton’s reactors.
Too many brilliant one paragraphers in that one piece, James!! If only your work was compulsory reading for every Australian, the truth would be out! Thank you.
Radiation and chemotherapy plus the odd MRI ,CT scan and X-rays helped me with bowel cancer treatment. I’m still here thanks to doses of radiation and overdoses of God’s grace.