People are just tired of playing dress ups and want to get back to business.
It’s pretty clear that, as a society, we’ve taken our eyes off the prize for too long and we’re all now experiencing what happens after that - decline. At first gradually, and then suddenly.
But our political class - cocooned from the consequences of their ideological delusions - want to keep pretending that up is down.
Take Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan, for instance, who was asked today what she thought of Trump’s announcement that the US Government would recognise only two genders - male and female.
Jacinta Allan, screwing up her face as if the very question was beneath her, replied …
Er, yeah. Really.
We want to know if you will finally admit that gender ideology is madness and agree to end the insanity.
She continued …
I’ll say this in a broad sense …”
Wait. How do you respond to a basic question of biology “in a broad sense”.
Gender is either a fixed biological reality, or it is not. Right? It’s not a difficult question regarding a “broad” response.
And then, having bought herself the required thinking time, the Victorian Premier did what the progressive left always do. She redefined the issued …
“We are seeing too much US style division coming to our country.”
See what she does there?
She acts as if the question - do you agree there only two genders - is actually whether or not we should import “US style division”.
Having redefined the issue as one of division rather than one of biology, the woman who supports the erase of women in law and in bathrooms and in sport, now gets to take the moral high ground.
It’s quite the hire wire routine.
Here’s what came next …
“And it’s the responsibility of leaders to call it out, and not respond to it, and stand up for their communities.”
So by refusing to insist on biological truth, Jactina Allan would now have us believe that she is a responsible leader, standing up for her community.
The hide!
Having redefined the issue and transformed herself from the devil into an Angel of Light (Bible scholars will see what I did there) her next trick was to dare anyone to disagree with her.
Building up a head of steam like a Dandenong’s Puffing Billy, she thundered …
“Every Victorian should have the right to practice their faith - whatever that faith may be - and do so safely. And to love who they love, and be who they are. That’s what’s important here.”
She what she does there?
She introduces the ‘right to practice one’s faith safely’ - which was never at issue - into the conversation.
We’ve gone from “is gender a fixed biological reality?” to “every Victorian should have the right to practice their faith and do so safely”.
Now, one could argue that State endorsed gender theory makes it difficult for Christians to practice their faith without the threat of being dragged before an anti discrimination tribunal for hate speech. But that’s a bit beside the point.
Jacinta Allan has introduced religious freedom because she knows it’s something religious people agree with. The bet is that, having sufficiently muddied the original issue and introduced something we all agree with, we won’t fight her on anything she has said.
You don’t think people should be able to identify as cosmigendered? Or as demigendered? Why do you hate religious freedom?
And then she brings it all home with one blistering rhetorical flourish …
“What happens in the US happens in the US.
“But we should be focused on where her on saying enough of that us style division. we’ve had enough hurt. we’ve got enough division. we don’t need to add to this with this sort of tokenistic behaviour. be who they are love who they want to love and to practice their faith whatever their faith may be.”
And that’s the end of the conversation. She walks away an upstanding pillar of the community, but more, a defender of unity and of freedom, for refusing to endorse biological gender take a stand for the safety of women.
Simply unbelievable.
Some thoughts …
First, it’s difficult for politicians to admit they have been completely hoodwinked by the trans lobbyists into supporting an ideology built entirely on lies. But the longer they continue with this charade, the greater the backlash they will face at the ballot box when the public have finally had enough.
Second, Jacinta Allan complains about US-style division when she herself is marching in lockstep with the US Democrats, implementing their political, socially and destructive policies right across Victoria! Total hypocrisy!
Third, Jacinta Allan complains about division when she is the one who is dividing people into an infinite number of categories rather than treating Victorians as individuals.
In fact, it’s difficult to think of any political jurisdiction on the planet more divided than the state of Victoria under the Labor Government’s lying, detestable, incompetent, utterly corrupt Chairman Dan for whom Jacinta served as loyal deputy.
Fourth, it’s a bit rich for the champion of vaccine mandates to now suddenly declare herself the champion of ‘let people be who they want to be’. Does she have zero self awareness?
Fifth, the issue is less about the freedom to choose how people identify themselves than it is about the rest of us (you know, like the majority) having those socially engineered choices shoved down our throats with threats of legal consequences if we resist.
And finally, if I decide to identify as a non-taxpaying citizen, will Jactina Allan have my back?
What a joke our country has become. We are an unserious country, led by the most unserious people.
I am SO looking forward to brains being re-engaged in this nation too...assuming we follow suit with the USA as we normally do.
A career politician will never answer a simple question in a simple way. A question is always an opportunity to convince everyone how good they are and why you have to vote for them next time. That is why I largely ignore them - they very rarely have anything sensible to say.