Albanese Appoints a Special Envoy
Multi culturalism will work out just fine – as soon as we get enough special envoys!
How are we meant to feel about the Prime Minister’s announcement today that he is appointing a special envoy for anti-Semitism?
It’s obviously good news for Australia’s Jewish community who have, for nine months, been subjected to daily abuse, threats and intimidation.
The appointment of lawyer Jillian Segal, who will provide advice to the government, is a welcome move.
But let’s be honest. The fact that we need a special envoy, at all, is disgusting.
How did we get to a point where we now need special advisors, in order to keep a law abiding, peaceful, highly productive section of our community safe?
And the fact it took Anthony Albanese this long to recognise the need is even worse.
It’s been 273 days since a mob gathered on the steps of the Sydney Opera House to chant “gas the Jews” or “where are the Jews” depending on how politically correct your hearing is.
That event was shocking in and of itself.
But what was more shocking was how the government, councils, schools, universities, theatres and others allowed it to escalate.
Anthony Albanese is the fireman who arrives with his hose after the building has been reduced to a pile of ash.
He told a media conference yesterday …
“We have seen since October 7 last year a significant rise in anti-Semitism in Australia, and that is why the Government has made the decision to appoint a special envoy on anti-Semitism.”
You can accuse this government of many things. What you can never accuse them of, is being on time.
The Prime Minister said the special envoy will advise him. Which begs the question, advise him on what?
On whether or not hate speech laws should actually be used to prosecute hate speech?
On whether or not he should, as leader of the country, speak out unequivocally against anti-Semitism?
How much advice does a leader of the country need, to lead the country?
How many committees will it take until this government knows what it should do?
The answer? Just one more. Always one more.
The Government has been pandering to anti-Semitism for months by letting protestors run riot. It’s only now that those same protestors have turned against the government – and that renegade Senator Payman has betrayed him – that the PM has decided it might be time to provide the Jewish community with protection after all.
Of course, Each Way Albo couldn’t announce a special envoy on anti-Semitism without also announcing that he would soon appoint another special envoy …
Shortly we’ll also be announcing an envoy on Islamophobia as well playing a similar role working with that community to promote social cohesion.
Insert massive sigh here!
The Prime Minister couldn’t even announce a special envoy on anti-Semitism without assuring Western Sydney he would also announce a special enjoy on Islamophobia.
Even when it’s the Jews who are being threatened, you can’t make it all about the Jews.
Multi culturalism will work out just fine – as soon as we get enough special envoys.
The Prime Minister lamented the role of social media in poisoning the national discourse, which I thought was interesting. He said …
“The rise of social media has seen people thinking that they can take what are complex issues and convert them into a hundred characters and to make statements that they never would face to face.”
Well, if anyone knows anything about using social media to take what are complex issues and reduce them to simplistic memes … it’s Anthony Albanese and his team.
This is his Energy Minister’s take on the complex issue of nuclear power …
And this is how his Assistant Employment Minister summarised the complex issue of nuclear energy …
But I digress.
Here’s the PM taking the complex issue of religion and worldviews and converting them into a hundred characters on his imagined utopia …
“Australia can be a microcosm of the world. People of Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist and Hindu faiths, all living side by side. Enriched by our diversity. Benefiting from the culture, the language, the food, the dancing, the music, the celebration, of what we have built here in Australia. What’s clear is that we can’t take that for granted”
Sorry Prime Minister, but you’re never going to build social cohesion when you think the biggest difference between cultures is the food and the music and the dancing.
Talk about simplifying complex issues.
Let’s base our immigration program on which cuisine we’d like to try at the weekend!
God help us.
The Prime Minister finished his press conference with this rallying of the troops.
“I’m proud to be PM of Australia. We are the greatest country on earth. But we need to reinforce what are our greatest attributes.”
I agree. You might start with insisting that federal and state governments, councils and the public service honour Australia Day.
Maybe Australia, needs a special envoy for Australia!
The only funny thing in all this is that Labor has been very enthusiastic about multiculturalism and importing lots of moslems. Now they have to watch what they say and change their old policies because 27 of the 29 electoral seats with the biggest moslem votes are held by them. Now the moslem tail will wag the whole labor dog.
Jillian Segal as a special envoy for anti-Semitism is just politically motivated make-up to improve Albo's zero-credibility as Prime Minister. Next: special envoys for everything. An envoy to advise Albo on how much sugar he should put in his cup of tea? Salary: $250 000 plus 'expenses'.
Multiculturism worked well with European migrants. That stopped in 1975 when we took in Lebanese refugees followed by swarms from the Middle East, Asia and Africa. We're now in a terrible situation that is impossible to reverse. A peaceful, cohesive Australia is a permanent thing of the past.