If you think those who protest against Israel are at all worried that spewing the vilest of hatred will have any consequences … think again.
A Macquarie University academic has tweeted that she hopes 2025 is the year Israel is destroyed.
Dr Abdel-Fattah wrote on Boxing Day …
“May 2025 be the end of Israel.”
Clearly the Christmas spirit wore off quickly with this woman.
But there was more. She wrote …
“May it be the end of the US-Israeli imperial scourge on humanity.
Normal people have resolutions that involve losing weight, or getting out of bed earlier in the mornings. Each to their own, I guess.
She continued …
“May we see the abolishment of the death cult of Zionism and the end of US empire and finally a world where the slaughter, annihilation and torture of Palestinians is no longer daily routine.
It’s at this point that, as a parent whose son attends Macquarie University, I start to wonder if maybe he should have chosen to do a trade instead!
But the university academic was not done …
“And to achieve that is to snowball collective liberation because the tentacles of western imperialism oppress and dehumanise us all.
Ah yes, the tentacles of Western imperialism that provided the Doc with a taxpayer funded research grant of $870,000, which she didn’t hesitate to receive I might add!
“May every baby slaughtered in Zionism’s genocide haunt you who openly support or acquiesce through your gutless silence.”
Call me boring, but I just think the hostages should be freed.
Anyway, you might have imagined Dr Abdel-Fattah would be feeling a little reticent about spewing that kind of hatred.
She has already been investigated by her employer after being involved in a kids excursion to the anti-Israel encampment at Sydney University. An excursion where children led each other in chants for an intifada against Israel.
And the Coalition have asked that her government grant be clawed back.
But as the tweet demonstrates, those who rile against Israel have no fear of reprisals.
They know that neither university vice chancellors, nor Government ministers, could give two stuffs about their anti-Israel bile, no matter what they might say publicly.
Where has this woman come from? Are we in Australia or if not where are we? I have never heard of such hatred in my life and she needs to be kicked out of this country and stopped from poisoning a generation of young people who are already swayed in the wrong direction. She is the outrage! And why are we allowing it? It is totally unacceptable in this country
So much for the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW), the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), Public Order Offences (NSW). When will our politicians- leaders, and public service leaders, demonstrate righteous leadership?!